Friday, May 25, 2007

Synchronize! Pro X Sn

Form of notice for those paying with postal

Questo è l'aggiornamento del modulo testato per disdire con successo un contratto Sky pagato con bollettino postale usufruendo del decreto Bersani.

Se invece paghi con RID clicca qui , se paghi con carta di credito clicca qui .

Va inoltrato con raccomandata A.R. ed anticipata via fax al n. 02-76.10.107.
Ad entrambi vanno allegati:
  1. copia della richiesta di abbonamento (se possibile)
  2. fotocopia del documento di identity
fields should be inserted the next one month from the date of dispatch.
Respectable. SKY SKY
Customer Service PO Box 13057 20137 Milano

This note is sent by registered mail to SKY and anticipated by fax to 02

76.10.107 PURPOSE - Subscription Cancellation

the undersigned on __________ __________ __________ born in - the tax code: __________, residing at __________ on a __________ No __________


that on __________ has signed an application for membership with this company, type of subscription: One Smart Card (_ Genres World + __________) No customer code __________


no longer wish to use this service and to give formal notice of the subscription agreement referred to the object;


the Bersani Decree (Decree Law No. 7 of 01.31.2007 - Official Gazette No. 26 of 02.01.2007), converted into Law 40 of 02/04/2007 - Official Gazette No. 77 on 02/04/2007


wishes to terminate the subscription contract with this company above SKY, with immediate effect and in any case not later than thirty days from the date hereof. Considering therefore terminated all relations with the invoice for payment of Vs to the same month of __________ 2011.


that if my current SMART CARD should be disabled by you before the end of 2011 __________ cancellation will be automatically operated by the same date of the disabling, resulting in cessation of payments, without the need for further communication on my part.

are attached to this:
1. copy of the request for subscription
2. photocopy of identity

there __________ __________

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Itchy Pinprick Red Dots

Return decoder

Within 30 days of termination of the contract must restituire il decoder e la Smart Card ad uno Sky Service per non incorrere nella penale. E' bene farsi rilasciare una ricevuta di avvenuta riconsegna.
Vanno restituiti anche telecomando, presa di corrente, cavo scart e cavo telefonico.

Per trovare lo Sky Service più vicino a te clicca qui .

What Does Eng 1 Medical Involve?

Form of notice for those who pay with RID

Questo è l'aggiornamento del modulo testato per disdire con successo un contratto Sky usufruendo del decreto Bersani.

Il presente modello serve per chi paga con RID, se invece paghi con bollettino postale clicca qui , se paghi con carta di credito click here.

should be sent by registered mail and by fax to advance 02-76.10.107. For both
be annexed:
  1. copy of the subscription request (if possible)
  2. photocopy of the identity
fields should be added to the next one month from the date of dispatch.
Respectable. SKY SKY
Customer Service PO Box 13057 20137 Milano

And for knowledge:
Institute of Credit: __________ - __________ Agency - Via __________

This note is sent by registered mail to SKY and anticipated by fax al n. 02 76.10.107

OGGETTO - Disdetta Abbonamento

Il sottoscritto __________ nato a __________ il __________ – codice fiscale: __________, residente in __________ in via __________ n. __________


che in data __________ ha sottoscritto una richiesta di abbonamento con codesta società, tipo di abbonamento: Solo Smart Card (_ Generi di Mondo + __________) codice cliente n. __________


di non voler più usufruire di tale servizio e dare formale disdetta del contratto di abbonamento di cui all'oggetto;


il Decreto Bersani (Decreto Legge n. 7 del 31/01/07 - Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 26 del 01/02/2007), convertito in Legge n. 40 del 02/04/2007 – Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 77 del 02/04/2007


di voler recedere dal contratto di abbonamento sopra citato con codesta società SKY, con effetto immediato e comunque entro e non oltre trenta giorni dalla data odierna. L’istituto cassiere- __________ - agenzia di __________ che legge per conoscenza - è pertanto autorizzato a provvedere al pagamento di SKY sino al mese di __________ 2011 e non oltre tale mese, ritenendo pertanto estinto ogni rapporto con il pagamento della Vs fattura relativa allo stesso mese di __________ 2011.


inoltre che qualora la mia attuale SMART CARD dovesse essere da Voi disabilitata before the end of the month of __________ 2011, the cancellation will be automatically operated by the same date of the disabling, resulting in cessation of payments, without any further communication from me.

are attached to this:
1. copy of the request for subscription
2. photocopy of identity

there __________ __________

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Happy Birthdaybubble Letters

TI AMO AMORE MIO.....................

When I was a student of Italian, one day my professor asked students to write a love poem. It was not easy ......... easy to write one can see that it is not my attempt ammiravole but then at least I tried only two ................... students wrote poetry and it is clear that I was the one of two students. I present my poem ...........


I love you, I love you my love

My life without you is like tea without a cup,
You have won my heart.
I love you, I love you my love.

Before I was a color-blind,
make me see all the colors of the rainbow
, my color.
I love you, I love you my love.

My heart was a patient,

But now I really do not know where my pain is gone,
I love you, I love you my love.

barren land has been changed by you
In a garden, my flower.
I love you, I love you my love.

Before I did not like the poems, Neruda became
But now,
* You have changed my taste,
I love you, I love you my love.

* In place of the word I used the word taste taste only keep the rhyme of the poem.

Quan last year I was in Italy, I did see one of my professor and he said "A license poetry." You can also tell me why you have not respected the rules, but also a poet can have freedom. Thanks for putting up with me!

waiting for your comments.