When a new Blogger, after setting and began writing dozens and dozens of new post, its most common question is: "I can make money from my blog?".
Sure you can earn, and the integration of Blogger with Google Adsense is quite easy, of course after enrollment.
But reading various ebook or post about optimizing Adsense, it turns out that the best position is just below the post title, that is, between the title and post.
banner Adsense best to use?
Surely the 336 x280.
Ma come possiamo mettere l'annuncio Adsense sotto il titolo se Blogger non lo permette?
Esiste la possibilità di farlo ma purtroppo fa fatto manualmente, prendendo il codice generato da Adsense, adattarlo per Blogger, e successivamente posizionarlo sotto il titolo.
Andiamo a fare tutti questi passaggi insieme.
1 - Generiamo il codice Adsense.
Per prima cosa entriamo nel nostro account Adsense, e una volta loggati passiamo in "Impostazioni Adsense".
Adesso clicchiamo su "Adsense for content, "then click" Ad Unit ".
now choose our format (336x280), the colors based on our Blog, as well as the font and style of the corners.
We continue our personalization, inserting as our criterion the name of the blog or whatever you want, and then removed the Adsense code generated.
But this code must be converted for Blogger using XML instead of HTML, it must be converted.
2 - Convert HTML to XML
Adsesso we generated our code, our task will be to Adsense convert it into XML, thanks to a website called Blogcrowds .
How to insert the image in our code inside the box and select "Parse", and the conversion has taken place.
Now you can copy the new code even on our notepad and go to the next procedure.
3 - Back-Up Blogger Template
As we have seen in other post, when you make changes to our template should always perform a backup of the template, Semplicemte clicking "Download Full Template"
4 - Insert New Adsense code
Adsesso going to insert our generated code between the title and the post.
We go into Blogger and then Layout, Edit HTML, and select "Expand Widget Templates."
Now let's look in the XML string of Blogger code:
this is done, Save the model and all the posts between the title and will post the Adsense ad. Some templates have different strings, so instead of having: