ALITALIA: AGREEMENT AMS, SATISFACTION OF TRADE UNIONS Con riferimento ai crediti in prededuzione erogati lo scorso Aprile, si è ritenuto opportuno elaborare il presente documento volto a fornire ogni più ampia spiegazione in ordine ai criteri adottati per definire - ove presente sui cedolini paga del Personale interessato - la voce “debito verso azienda”.
Inoltre, proprio allo scopo di rendere tale documento più completo ed esauriente, sono state anche elencate tutte le possibili casistiche che possono dar luogo alla voce “debito verso azienda”.
Crediti in prededuzione ( Aprile 2010 ): il trattamento del “debito verso company. " a net charge of zero, where the powers are less than the amount deducted, with the simultaneous generation of an employee's debt to the Extraordinary Administration on the difference between the major deductions and skills.
In this case, the debt continues to appear in the monthly pay slips.
The "debt company" has generato prima della liquidazione dei crediti in “prededuzione” e può essere dovuto a trattenute per cessioni del quinto, alimenti, pignoramenti, oneri fiscali versati dall’Azienda in qualità di sostituto d’imposta ed emolumenti corrisposti al dipendente ma non dovuti. 1) Personale che ha risolto il rapporto di lavoro.
Con il cedolino paga del mese successivo a quello della risoluzione ( ad es. Febbraio 2009 per le risoluzioni intervenute il 12 gennaio 2009 ), le Società in Amministrazione Straordinaria hanno :
corrisposto la retribuzione - al lordo di imposte e contributi - afferente alle sole attività lavorative del mese precedente;
provveduto ad effettuare il conguaglio fiscale ( a credito o a debito ) per l’anno 2009;
trattenuto, in un'unica soluzione, le addizionali IRPEF ( Regionale e Comunale ) dell’anno corrente e di quello precedente.
L’esito di tali conteggi/conguagli può aver generato, in alcuni casi, un “debito verso azienda”.
2) Personale che è stato sospeso dalla CIGS in seguito all’assunzione a Tempo Determinato presso altro datore di lavoro.
In 2009 employees employed under fixed-term contract with another employer and suspended from the system of unemployment benefits, have been held monthly on the additional income tax (municipal and regional) last year.
As such deduction could not be offset by the payment of fees (as missing), the persons concerned in that case have seen an amount corresponding to the total debt of the same additional income tax deductions.
3) Personnel whose entry into CIGS zero hour took effect from 1st of the month.
The development of an amount of debt in respect of companies in Extraordinary Administration of belonging is due to additional income tax deduction for that is made in a lump sum in December 2009 and the previous year.
4) Staff whose entry into CIGS zero hour took effect from a date other than the 1st of the month.
In addition to what is already stated in paragraph 3), in the case of CIGS Staff placed in zero hour, starting on a different date from the 1st of the month (ie: January 13, 2009), the administrative processing may have produced:
the payment of the entire monthly salary for the month in which the layoffs began (in the case example, the entire month of January 2009);
recovery, the next month, the salary not due to effects of the events of layoffs in the preceding month (see point a)).
5) Staff who terminated their work after the preparation of payroll.
staff who have terminated their employment after drawing a monthly salary (ie 19 January 2009), received the full monthly salary of the last month worked. Recovery of amounts paid and not due was made in the month following the resolution (in the case example, in February 2009).
In light of the explanations given, we believe that the staff can see - through their payroll - the nature of any "Debt company", subject to the overall readiness of our facilities and service BYTE to provide any further explanation to support.
We take this opportunity to inform you that are still being completed in-depth analysis on statements made in the payment of the claims last April, in order to make any additions and / or adjustments to be finalized within the next September.
Rome, August 27, 2010