text analysis
The first song (Mama ... ... ... .. hello mom.) Track is the dialogue that has 5 lines. This first song introduces us to John, the protagonist of the story. Then the two subsequent sequences (John comes out ... ... ... .. the trouble.) Are the indirect narrative sequences, but because they carry the story forward. Then the next sequence (A man ... ... .. the first day.) Is the sequence that is a little 'dialogue with two characters is a bit' indirect. In this sequence there is a man who has a role in helping
Then there la sequenza narrativa(Giovanni…..…….a correre) dopo di che ci sono tre sequenze (Una buona………….tutti così.) che sono dialogate. Le donne in queste sequenze hanno il ruolo d’aiutante perché portano le diverse parti del corpo di Giovanni alla sua mamma. La sequenza successive( Dopo…………tutti così) è la sequenza narattiva e poi l’ultimo brano( Finalmente………..proprio bravo.) è il brano conclusivo perché con questo brano conclude la favola.
Giovanni, un bambino, era molto distratto. Un giorno lui andò a fare una passeggiata. His mother advised him to be careful while crossing the street. At first attention was good but after a while 'is enchanted to look at shop windows, machine, etc. clouds. A gentleman told him that he had already lost a hand. He started to look but saw a dog being soaked forgot about it. One by one the number of lost part of his body but did not realize it.
Then one by one people started to come to his house to bring her mother over the body. His mother was disappointed to have a child so distracted. John finally came hopping on one leg but was cheerful and happy. Her mother puts it back into place and gave him a kiss.
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