Ho letto un articolo e dopo averlo letto ho deciso di fare l’intervista di un italiano. L’articolo parlava della mancanza del tempo libero per gli italiani.
1) Come si chiama e quanti anni ha?
Mi chiamo Piero e ho 27 anni.
2) Lei studia o lavora?
Tutti e due. Studio il diritto e lavoro presso l’università di Macerata in qualità di impiegato amministrativo.
3) Quante ore deve dedicare al giorno al Suo studio e al Suo lavoro?
Devo dedicare almeno 3 ore al mio studio e ne dedico 6 al mio lavoro.
4) Quanti giorni alla settimana ha le lezioni?
Ho le lezioni 5 gironi alla settimana.
5) How many days per week do you work?
Work 6 rounds a week.
6) Do you feel the lack of free time to do what pleases you?
A little 'yes.
7) According to a survey from 1998 until now the Italians have won only two minutes of free time in over a week in Germany and England, people have gained more than two hours. She also thinks that for an Italian, between work and commitments remain less than four hours a day?
Yes, I agree. I believe that the Italians have less than four hours per week on leisure activities.
8) In Italy the time is still traditional nine to five and only 40% of employees can have an hour of flexibility. Of course, one can concentrate on domestic needs on a Saturday when many government offices are closed. We can draw the conclusion that the majority of Italians feel crushed. What do you think?
I think it's true. Public offices are open when we have to work and when we have a day off on Saturday that many of these offices are closed. This situation creates problems for the Italians.
9) Then, believes that this phenomenon is real or perceived?
I think it's real.
10) There are some people in which a solution could be "Time Management" (Time Management). In your opinion, which may be other ways to find much more free time to leave the world of worries and to spend some 'time for pleasure?
We can try to rearrange the whole day of work. We can introduce flexibility in working time. ... But it is not easy easy. We can at least change the opening time of public offices in a way that everyone can go there on Saturday. In the U.S. there are many offices that are open 24 hours a day shift and employees ... .. we can introduce this form also in Italy.
Date: October 27 2007
What do you think of the situation prevailing in Italy? Do you agree with Piero? You can also suggest you the (e) solution (s) of the problem ... ... ... ..
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