un altro Egitto
Cos'ha l'Egitto che non abbiamo noi? Un po' di coraggio, forse. Ma alla fine la principale differenza credo sia questa: se l'Egitto oggi è in crisi, se arranca e malgrado le risorse non riesce a garantire il benessere ai suoi cittadini, la responsabilità Hosni Mubarak and his men before the eyes of all. And us?
to trudge, trudge, too. But we can not identify the culprit. As for Berlusconi, was passing by-case basis: few dare to argue that the decline of Italy and his work. At best, it is admitted that has not done anything to stop him, since he had other priorities (save its business processes and their dependents). Even the most incattiviti antiberlusconiani prefer to focus on the bunga bunga, offenses against the dignity, the woman's body and so on. And if instead of a whore to start treating it as a thief? If we dared to say that this long descent to the underdevelopment did not begin at the end of '80 for a mere coincidence? That the luxurious villas in which it would be "free to do whatever you want (if I touch an underage girl in my house I go to jail, but so) if it is taken with our money? That the millions spent on pasture of whores are indirectly taken from the same fund from which not a penny goes to fund development, research, education, tourism, entertainment? That is, yes sir, a king who makes the spree at our expense?
The revolution in Egypt can be done in Italy is the pole for this reason: many who have had enough of him, did not identify him as the person responsible. It's just an obstacle, one that, at this point should leave, but not because we are oppressed, no: it prevents us from seeing the real problems. as if he were not a real problem. And to think that he just can, do everything possible to remind us. Just yesterday wrote a nice letter to Bersani suggests that a liberal revolution in ownership. What is it? So, to hear Berl. (Or Ferrara for him, nothing changes) do not need the capital. Just do not make the investment to GDP rears. Basically we tax the rich and the rich are committed to make us grow by 3-4% a year, e. .. but yes, even to escape a bit 'less, come on. So. Berlusconi deserves to fall for this, not because it maintains a condo arrizzamento end. The letter of Berl. (Or Ferrara for him, it's the same thing) is an insult to common sense and intelligence of the Italians far more troublesome of the call to Lerner. But at least it clearly: who really is Berlusconi? Who is? What are the interests he defends? The interests of those who do not want to pay the balance sheet. Point. The rich, let's call it so, it's not an insult. Once there we called business class, but when it was still something entrepreneurial. A generation ago, say. Then what happened?
Here is a little 'the problem. The old have become a bit 'older, and although not all have developed the voyeurism di B., non si può dire che rappresentino più una forza innovativa. I giovani sono quasi sempre figli dei vecchi e rappresentano, oserei dire, la classe dirigente più cialtrona dell'Europa occidentale: quella che ha studiato meno. No, non parlo di te che stai leggendo, parlo del tuo compagno di tennis, hai presente quell'idiota con la suoneria di Rihanna e il diplomino in ragioneria? Ecco, ci siamo capiti. Poi, chissà, può anche darsi che l'Italia fosse spacciata ugualmente, del resto campava di tessile e meccanica alla vigilia del boom cinese. Però dal momento che la grande risposta dei nostri eroici padroncini fu delocalizzare in Cina o in Romania e votare Berlusconi che tenesse a freno le fiamme gialle, cosa ci dovevamo aspettare? Allora, niente di personale, ma secondo me il declino dell'Italia siete voi. E Berlusconi vi ha rappresentato al meglio e al peggio. Certo, è riuscito a farsi votare anche dai vostri operai, è stato il suo capolavoro. Ma nel momento della verità è sempre lì che si ritorna: a quante tasse può togliervi. Lui vi toglierà le tasse e voi, all'improvviso, partorirete le geniali idee che non avete avuto in questi tristi vent'anni, creerete posti di lavoro con la sola imposizione del blackberry. Bisogna soltanto darvi fiducia, perché non vi abbiamo mai dato fiducia? Sì, è anche vero che abbiamo pagato le tasse anche per voi, però... però si vedeva che lo facevamo con poco entusiasmo, ecco, probabilmente è happened, there has been no enthusiasm on our part. Sorry.
What did we miss Egypt? Clarity. The government was a rapacious ruling class, that squander resources and failed to provide welfare to its citizens. But this was at least in the eyes of everyone in Egypt. Since we do not, there is always among us a tissue, a process, a controversy, a splash of mud, a bipartisan proposal, something that prevents us from seeing the awful truth: the gold to cover Ruby and her companions took it out of our pockets. It was just a little 'clearer, the squares were filled long ago.
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