Thursday, March 10, 2011

Some Of My Dogs Nipples Are Big And Purple

The new Baudo (it's better than the old)

I read Popstar culture Alexander Trocino, and do not know if I recommend it. The focus of the text is the introduction, you find the full Post, where he explains the phenomenal definition then that is the entire book: popstar of culture, exactly. Here are six short monographs on many pop stars (Saviano, Allevi, Petrini, Grillo, Mauro Corona, Camilleri), which generally arouse in me the effect instant book, I do not know if I can explain it, when you think: "That's interesting, I read a real book on the subject. " Perhaps Trocino had a bit 'too much hurry to get out after the success di Via con me , che è un po' la premessa di tutto il libro (Fazio come nuovo sacerdote della nuova cultura midcult ). In effetti tutti e sei i personaggi si dimostrano molto interessanti e meritevoli di analisi un po' più approfondite, salvo che a quel punto magari Grillo si sarebbe incazzato e avrebbe sequestrato tutto (sì, pare che Grillo faccia ritirare le biografie non autorizzate, è un dettaglio interessante, se si pensa che la vita di Grillo è materiale da Dostoevskij). E in generale, chi si sarebbe letto un volume di trecento pagine, di cui magari cinquanta sulla concezione petriniana dell'agricultura, o altre trenta sul neoprimitivismo coroniano? Mi viene quasi il dubbio che le sei monographs are working mainly for the sparks that are in summary: the effect of combinations as read-Saviano Allevi. In reality very Trocino grants to Saviano, and is even willing to acknowledge that Grillo is not anti-politics, any more than many politicians. But still, in the end a debate about this book can only relate to the definition of pop stars. If I had to sum it all on one page, put this:

The modern intellectual is no longer time to the drive belt between the party and the masses. Cultural hegemony of the left took over, silent but devastating, a new hegemony "subculture", to use Massimiliano Panarari, which has replaced the first, by injecting into the society and the dangerous pandemic germ of media populism. Sixteen years
domain Berlusconi has impressed an indelible mark in the national character. To exit from the confines of the subculture berlusconicentrica mephitic and to escape the maelstrom of self, the intellectual has given a crash. Dominated for decades of debate and autopoietic soporific film club, now drunk and sick from their presumed moral superiority, long since degraded into a moralism indefensible caste protected by the cultural left and broke the lines, moving in a random order, has jumped in same circuit populism of the right, innervated with robust injections of steroids modern cathode. What remains of the cultural left in the hands of the apes baudesco nazionalpopolare, using the ancient strings of emotion, feeling, soul, dell'antirazionalismo, dell'antimodernismo and cialtroneria, which have always constituted the core of the melodramatic Italic and cunning character. Thus is born and thrives Giovanni Allevi ...

Some objections:

1. B erlusconi won o. He inoculated. We sold a crash and now we find ourselves Allevi, while first listening to ... listen ... boh, Benedetti Michelangeli? Trocino, which also identifies very clearly what are the contents of the deterioration of 'pop star' (sentimental, anti-rationalist, primitivism, etc.), and elsewhere if it takes explicitly with the "vendors of apocalyptic," here, Trocino is not entirely immune from apocalyptic feeling. Even in its most undersold, the antiberlusconismo. To imagine that Mr Berlusconi has left an indelible mark, we postulate an age of innocence when we were not Berlusconi, had not yet grasped the apple and the snake then fruivamo a real culture, not pop stars. But never was this golden age when instead of listening to Allevi Benedetti Michelangeli, while leafing through the dialectic of the Enlightenment rather than Camilleri? I ask you, I do not remember, maybe because I'm young?

Trocino same as the initial manifestation of the cultural popstar duel between the post September 11 Terzani Fallaci and the pages of Corriere. Here, for example, Fallaci. Definitely a pop star when he wrote The Rage and the Pride (the appendix is \u200b\u200bcalled extreme, just happened, Revelation). But Fallaci seventies? Qualle of super-mega-interviews with the protagonists of the twentieth century? Fallaci's A Man of Letters or a child? Not had the look, charisma and the audience of a pop star? E. .. Pasolini? Trocino quoting him finds himself often, as the putative father of a certain feeling that meanders through the new anti-modern pop star. Pasolini was an author on his own tangled and twisted ideology, but simply pensiamolo in the role that he played (which had somehow agreed to interpret) in the cultural debate of the '70s, think of the Literature Stroke was not a pop star - indeed, rather, a rock star - he, too, when he wrote "I know" or "I hate you dear students? And Morante the world saved by children ? And Don Milani, not very harsh of pastoral experience, but that's sweetened vulgata veltroniana , what is not a hero because he rejects the poor students? And Dario For? Indro Montanelli And when it was the history? Enzo Biagi and when it became a trademark (a guarantee of mediocrity) to stick on any industrial product, including comics? All this happened when Berlusconi made the most of the building speculators, not the invented him Midcult. As a result I do not think that has added much to a formula already tried and tested. It has simply taken advantage, as any publisher (Feltrinelli has not done? E Adelphi?)

2. F Actium and the new B ud o. I agree. So what? In my opinion, would agree the same Fazio, is probably the design that has been pursuing for years. At this point, however, an intellectual exercise, I propose: imagine what would Domenica In, the container's Sunday Rai Fazio if he was managing for ten years, as it probably would have happened without edicts Prague and in general without Berlusconi to power. There is no doubt that he would run as it ran Baudo in the eighties: inviting singers and writers, featuring singers and ballet series, and giving the evening the line at 90 th minute. According to Fazio has always wanted me to be there, the reigning Italian on Sunday. There is no doubt that it would be a Sunday nazionalpopolare, but Sunday would it be? An interview with Peter Gabriel (the time that instead of discussing the crime of Avetrana), a curtain with Albanian (instead Platinette), a chat with popular Odifreddi (instead of a service at the end of the world in 2012), a experimental ballet but then un'ospitata of Follett or Calasso presenting their cardboard (instead of a service from the Big Brother house). That would be Sunday? Of course we would have better to do than watch it - but it would be an improvement, not only against the shit that affects our digestion while dozing on the couch, but also in relation to Sunday baudiana? In short, it is noted that the new Fazio Baudo, as bad as Baudo? Baudo Fallaci did not invite or Pasolini, came too late, but it is not even able to find Pier Vittorio Tondelli or Andrea Pazienza. I remember the various incorruptible Bevilacqua, Gervase, De Crescenzo, Luca Goldoni, for goodness sake all nice people, but we're not even bother to end the pop star. But patience is a Fazio would go. And we would have given the nazionalpopolare. Because we believe living in a poor Italy, not knowing how bad it is one in which Berlusconi has won on Sunday and is headed by creatures like Giletti, or to swear.

3. L and ash G ramsc i. For the apocalyptic Trocino the appearance of these pop stars is a clear symptom of the degenerate culture of the left (sometimes appears as Gramsci tutelary deity, the truth is the reflection on Gramsci nazionapopolare was a bit 'thinner). Now, give him to the left is a national sport that I practice as an amateur (but a child I dreamed of professionalism). But, in fact, who told us that bred and left? Not him, he has not said. From what you should know? And Mauro Corona? It could easily be considered more an author the right, with its apocalyptic primitivism? Sometimes, rather than be left, these pop stars "are" from the left: see Petrini, with its history of communist section. Trocino then insists on the 'betrayal' by Petrini, his flirtation with the League. You could simply take note that the founder of Slow Food, from left, deliberately moved up conservative positions that took him by force to cross with traditional movements and identity. Saviano himself, rather than with "Come away with me" is found in small television antiberlusconiana, enjoyed a degree of cross-disciplinary policy, and Socci second side was even an intellectual right (by the way, and Socci? It is not his as a pop star, albeit more local, let's say a neomelodico of parrocchietta? E Veneziani? E Buttafuoco? E chi li legge? Sì, appunto, è il solito problema della cultura italiana di destra, che non trovi nessuno disposto a leggertela, figurati a passarti i riassunti). Il fatto che da sinistra spuntino più popstar dipende se mai dal fatto che sempre di consumo culturale stiamo parlando, e il bacino di questo consumo è sempre il famoso ceto medio riflessivo coi capelli grigi che intasa le librerie Feltrinelli alle sei di pomeriggio di ogni santo sabato: i libri e i dischi li comprano praticamente solo loro  (per dire io Trocino l'ho preso in biblioteca), quindi è abbastanza naturale che oggi le popstar nascano lì. Ma non restano lì , questo mi sembra importante. Si diventa popstar when you manage to break through their traditional basin and also like all the other . The same Camilleri, before turning to invective involved, has gained its popularity on the thing that exists on the cross benches of the literary marketplace: the yellow serial. Stuff basically conservative, not because the law usually prevails and the Order is restored: except in those years there was a huge appreciation of film noir from the left, which allowed Camilleri and his readers not to perceive that guilt - but also that delicious sense of the forbidden - that had the 'companions' of thirty years ago that showed off Marcuse on the shelves but on the night of your stay Yellow piled Mondadori. C averaged. . .

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Welcome Note For Dentist

The Winx Veltroni

Veltroni 132 - None 113

I realize that sometimes I am boring, with Veltroni, as far as I say and do is clearly not on the list of top ten problems each of us. But this time I think it is worth to insist, at least here. It also has to do with what was said Monday, the need to give precise targets, even small, but achievable. Here, tonight I could write about many things (Libya, the school, the crisis) without being able to change any. Or I might insist on Veltroni, because maybe you can do here tonight concrete steps to resize it. Exactly, Veltroni is now within my reach. It does not mean that I have become important, huh, sure. It simply means that Veltroni is becoming smaller, and that his outlandish statements are beginning to get lost in background noise (which I would then, hello, my name is Leonardo and produce noise).

the rest, judge for yourself. Sunday Veltroni called the peaceful people in the streets. He decided to do it through facebook, which I believe is a suicidal move, a fairly blatant demonstration of ignorance of the dynamics of Internet users - No one expects that the rest of the WV knows for sure who has better things to do and learn what are tags like - but there should be someone who can advise? It is not the representative of an important current of the PD? It is not known. Whatever the reason, the appeal is still there. has collected hundreds of comments, and not all insulting, as I wrote Monday. God forbid, the world is beautiful because it is diverse. But we want to talk about "like", or whatever they're called in Italian the "like"? Veltroni's piece, published on Sunday morning, like 132 persons per hour. Are they many? I do not seem so. I seem to almost 132 stones on the grave of the charisma of a leader. I exaggerate? A prominent politician is uncertain because the squares are not filled for la pace, o contro Gheddafi (come se fosse la stessa cosa manifestare per la pace e contro Gheddafi), e il suo accorato invito alla mobilitazione... piace a 132 persone . Così, a occhio non ci riempi una piazza. D'altro canto è solo un numero, e i numeri da soli non dicono molto.

Ma è sufficiente accostarli ad altri numeri: per esempio io (che non sono nessuno), lunedì mattina ho pubblicato sull' un pezzo in cui rispondevo a Veltroni. Mi è venuto magari un po' pedestre, va bene, chiedo scusa, in ogni caso la mia risposta a Veltroni piace per ora a 113 persone. Sono molte? Sono poche? Per i numeri che faccio di solito io su facebook, sono parecchie. In termini assoluti is very small. But if we compare with the figure of Veltroni ... Think about it, is a former secretary of the Democratic Party, one that is still in the headlines with his declarations ( yesterday gave an interview in Il Sole 24 Ore , rambling as usual, where he continues to wonder why the pacifists do not support the guerrillas . Veltroni, in short, those who demonstrated against the war in Iraq were pacifists and those who march on Tripoli guerrillas. Is it really so hard to tell the difference?) Here, a personality like calls to arms for peace facebook, and gets like 132. A nerd's answer, and it gets 113. And with a little 'stress I think that 113 may anche superare il 132. Esatto, sì, vi sto chiedendo di votare per me su Facebook. Lo so che è imbarazzante, ma credo che potrebbe avere un pur minuscolo significato mediatico. Come minimo, sarebbe la dimostrazione che è meglio non usarlo, Facebook, se sei Walter Veltroni e vuoi chiamare il tuo popolo alle barricate. Non è l'ambiente adatto. Lo so che fuori c'è un mondo che non saprà mai chi sono io e conosce e stima WV. Lo so, Facebook non è assolutamente rappresentativo di nessun bacino elettorale. Però un flop su Facebook è pur sempre un flop. Il ridimensionamento di un personaggio che non sta facendo bene al PD passa anche attraverso momenti come questi: lui prova una sortita, rimedia pernacchie, la prossima time be more careful.

is something that has already happened in the past, for example, Francesco Rutelli. Do you remember, Rutelli? Remember that at some point you even come to regard the thought of voting for him? For her figure long dominated the political debate: his choice of field prodiana, his centrist skids, filled the front pages. Then something happened. Slowly, long before it disappeared from the scene, Rutelli stopped being interesting. What happened? It was not understood, but no one ever take away from the head that was because of the Winx, the popular dolls. That is, at some point someone published a survey of center-left leader (Rutelli era evidentemente tra i candidati), qualche buontempone tra i leader inserì le Winx, che non sbancarono, ma guadagnarono un dignitoso uno o due per cento, attestandosi – questo è importante – molto al di sopra del dato di Francesco Rutelli. A quel punto forse anche ai vertici capirono. Continuarono a candidarlo, perché l'autolesionismo a sinistra è un dato oggettivo: riuscirono persino a perdere il municipio di Roma: però ormai era andata, dopo il confronto con le Winx Rutelli non è più stato lo stesso. Era già antipatico più o meno a tutti, ma tutti davano per scontato che fosse il candidato adatto a qualcun altro. I comunisti pensavano ai cattolici, i cattolici pensavano ai radicali, radicals thought mboh, there we are going badly taken off. The Winx freed us from the spell, thanks Winx. Rutelli And then it is even out of the PD, and you know what had been lost in the polls when the Democratic Party Rutelli came out with all his teodem? Nothing, indeed, gained a bit '. Thanks Winx.

Well, maybe chance, or fate, or the plot plutomassogiudaicofacebookiano, gave me the opportunity to be the Winx Walter Veltroni. I think it is my duty to play my role until the end. I'm nobody, I'm a character on useless writing long pieces and serious. But maybe I'm on facebook more popular than Walter Veltroni. So, dear journalists, of course I do not pretend to take seriously. Ma la piantiamo piuttosto di prendere sul serio Walter Veltroni?

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