Note on arrangement - Air Transport Department
It ended today with the agreement of the long negotiation unit Alitalia. The same open in early December covered the plans for the rationalization and efficiently presented by the company.
The agreement sets the perimeters of the unit processes that efficiently cover all categories of ground staff and flight attendants pilots
that the effects of these processes will lead to voluntary exits only up to a maximum of 700 workers of all categories in the territory national.
that voluntary redundancies may not result in adverse effects on quality and quantity of all segments and production activities in this regard that
company has established a joint commission monitoring that will follow the entire path of the projects and voluntary redundancies in order to verify the need for staff to not affect the production process in the event of approval of the request output cigs; processes of internalization of logistics maintenance
vocational training is is defined as a joint effort to share training and retraining projects for staff from AZ in AS in cigs
security work: the Legislative Decree 81 of April opens a discussion table for all categories
stabilization with ground staff length of initial contract until the end of 2004 (and earlier) of CTD throughout naz.le. In addition to initiating the confirmation personale ex CTI di AZ in AS oggi ctd az ( ground; call center; manutenzione)
l.247 definito accordo come da CCNL Trasporto Aereo. Dal primo aprile a regime 44 mesi. Dalla stessa data richiamo in servizio dei ctd che avevano raggiunto la soglia dei 30/36 mesi.
istituito l' Osservatorio nazionale sul contenzioso che ha l'obiettivo di definire in sede di conciliazione il contenzioso stesso dando luogo ad ulteriori stabilizzazioni.
personale navigante sblocco dei part time con relativi ingressi dalla cigs a riempire le necessità di organico che ne derivano. Sblocco dei trasferimenti dalla periferia verso roma
definito un impegno congiunto e l'attivazione verso il min lavoro per la ricerca di soluzioni al problema dei lavoratori in cigs AS to AZ in less than a retirement at the end of the period of social safety nets.
a series of solutions of the three thematic categories that had given rise to disputes. Unresolved issues for the scheduling tables
A comparison of positive and important agreement which marks the discontinuity relationship with the company, the report retrieves unitary conuiga in the balance, perhaps for the first time since the birth of Azca business needs with those of the employees we represent both active in cigs.
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