Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Ross Kemp On Gangs Online Streaming

Il linguaggio di SMS

Nowadays the john prefer to use the language of SMS cio'e a language in which one can send his feelings without writing much. This language aitua the perosne to save time and send text messages velcoemente. If you want to learn it, you can read the list myself.

SMS Language - standard language
anke: even
c sent: we feel
cmq: however
dm dp
tomorrow: after
Dr.: say
dv 6:
where you are right: the right
frs: perhaps
ke: ki that
km: kn
as: with
ks: what
mmt +: I miss you so much
nm: number
nn: not
prox: next
qlk: some
qlks: something
qkl1: someone
qnd: When
qndi: then
QNT: what
QST: This
rsp: scs
answer: sorry
sl: only
PRMS: always
sms: message
sn: spr
are: knowing
left: left
sxo I hope
t + trd tel: + I'll call you later
trnqui: quiet
trp: too
tvtb: VLV
love you so I wanted
xche: why
xciò: so
xò for now: But
xsona: xxx
person: many kisses
-evil goodness
+ - x: more or less

If you know any other words in the language SMS, perhcé not help me, eh?


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