Today is the biggest festival of Hindus, Deepawali or Diwali. Although it is a festival of the Hindus but also believers of other relegion celebrate it with happiness. Deepawali means "Row of light." The god Ram returned to Ayodhya, his hometown, after spending 14 years in exile after defeating Ravana, the devil, and his troops. The return of Rama was greatly celebrated by the people of Ayodhya. People express their happiness by lighting up his house. That's why it's called "Diwali" festival of light. People celebrate this festival by going lamps to testify the victory of good over evil.
There is also a link between climate and Diwali because it brings the winter season. Brings with it a change in food, drink, dress and other habits of the people. On this day businessmen begin to reckon with. This day marks the beginning of the year finanzario for traders who leave the door open for Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity can enter to bring fortuna.Pasticcieri preparing different desserts. I order their grocery shopping in a way attractive. The streets and markets are lit and crowded with people.
People make a holy bath in the morning, wear new clothes, Pulis and painting the house. The people wear new clothes. Includes paintings, toys, boards, calendars, tools and so on. Above all buy different sweets. The most popular things to eat as well as the desserts are Khile, and khilone batasche. People distribute sweets to neighbors and friends. With the passage of time people are beginning to give not only sweets but also chocolates e frutta secca come anacardi, mandorle, uva secca ecc. È una festa allegra, amata sopratutto dai bambini che aspettano ansiosamente il momento degli spettacolari fuochi d’artificio.
È una festa delle felicità ma con il passare del tempo ha preso alcune abitudini brutte come:
- La gente ne approfitta per bere,
- Gli uomini la considerano un’occasione per giocare d’azzardo e
- La gente spende un sacco di soldi per comprare i fuochi d’artificio.
So che de gustibus. So che sui gusti non si discute ma i petardi sono molto pericolosi. Molti bambini si fanno male a causa di essi. Non passa un Diwali senza un’incidente. Anche i fuochi d’aritificio sono dannosi for nature. Increase not only air pollution but also noise. Above all, we must think of the children preparing them. Generally, there are more than 15 years. In my opinion, we must say goodbye forever to firecrackers.
If we Indians consider it a good party, we must stay away / distnate, we have to hold off the bad habits overridden. How do we remove the darkness illuimnando the house by candlelight, we must try to remove our ignorance with knowledge. I argue that the inner significance of Diwali is that of man's journey from darkness to light. B U O N D I A W L I A T U T T I !
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