Thursday, February 24, 2011

Best Motocross Bike For Sale In Philippines

Prof. Hugo

Update: Hugo has apologized on his blog and now acknowledges the sources of the post that ... borrowed. As far as I'm concerned we're good like that.

"Personally, I am satisfied when my post or at least an article posted on this blog runs on the network.
The only thing I ask is to put a link to the site.
Then there is a 'Another class of cunning that not only copying, but even posting the' article with date prior to it, passing it off as their own.
The most odious ".

The script

I know that someone will think that this is just a pathetic attempt to save for a corner. Proff Hugo is now on my trail. He Ghebreigziabiher flush, and soon will find me. A matter of days, hours, maybe minutes.

But my repentance is sincere. Yet in the bottom of my heart I always knew I was doing something wrong, horribly wrong. I copied for months its good post, getting just a little 'with my prosaccia disgusting. I looted plunder, thinking that she would not never noticed. So much stuff is on the Internet for free, I thought.

The piece in Ferrara, for example. It's time to admit, it's flour sack. You can read the blog of Prof. Hugo, on the day of Monday, February 14 . I've got to be there, including this quote from Bertolt Brecht, which I do not know who he is (a bank burglar, I think) and I have published pre-dating it, so that all might believe that I had written myself. Because I'm smart, I, in my cialtronaggine. And since I do not write as good as Hugo, alas, I changed a few words here and there (eg I removed the references to his tumultuous personal life, I am not having any real "life" actually spend time on the internet to copy parts of others). I took many a head, to conceal the elegant style of Hugo. I replaced "Berlusconi" to "Psycho-pedo-popes," the hilarious epithet coined by Hugo, who is his most recognizable trademark. And then, feeling a bit 'I did, because it is details like these that you realize that person is poor: I plagiarized also comments . Yeah, I took the comments at the bottom of his piece, I've copied them and I reglued at the bottom of mine, because I like a good one to envy even Hugo's comments, if we had two dogs envious fleas in the balls.

But I've done worse. Wikimedia Italy a few weeks ago I asked for a contribution , the blog that celebrates the tenth anniversary of Wikipedia. I accepted with enthusiasm, e. .. Since I did not even clear what it was, Wikipedia, I went to document in one of the few Italian blogs that are worth, of course Hugo's blog Proff (who also writes the Daily Done, no one knows where, maybe between the lines) . For where I found a piece with a very interesting point of view ... copy of that pat , again changing the style here and there, stretching the tasty broth with my insipid teaching experience, because no mi crederebbe, se di colpo mostrassi di saper scrivere bene come Hugo Proff.

Vent’anni dopo è successa una cosa straordinaria.
La possibilità di andare su internet quando vogliamo. Qualsiasi domanda ci venga in mente… tu digiti, e in pochi secondi internet ti risponde. E così mi sono reso conto di una cosa.
Oggi i computer assomigliano molto di meno a quegli scatoloni vuoti che ho cominciato a usare gli albori cibernetici, e molto di più a quei cervelloni che sognavo da bambino.
Twenty years later, something extraordinary happened. I have installed an interactive whiteboard in a classroom, and now we can go on the internet when we want. Any questions you can think of ... you type, internet and within seconds you respond. The boys get used right away, most of the rest has internet at home, and they do seek out, if only to find the specifications for a computer game. And so I realized something. Today

computers look like much less to those empty boxes that I started to use in junior high, and more to those pundits who dreamed child. Watch how they use the Kids: ask questions, and the computer responds .

And then what else is there ... ah, yes, think in September Profs wrote another piece on the time of the long and curious religion, I do not know why he did it right at that moment: I only know that in that time I was desperately looking for interesting things write, and so ... yes, I copied that time also. No mercy. But to add verisimilitude to the thing, the pre- date five months to May 2010, realize my intelligence diabolica, in modo che sembrasse scritto immediatamente dopo la sentenza del Consiglio di Stato di cui si parla nel pezzo!

Bene, la pacchia è finita. Stamattina Hugo Proff si è accorto che un altro ladruncolo come me lo scopiazzava, e ha minacciato di tirar fuori il suo nome e il suo cognome, nientemeno! La gogna mediatica! La stessa che meriterei io. Spero soltanto che questo mio tardivo autodafé possa in qualche modo rabbonirlo.

Hugo, davvero, mi dispiace. Fino a un certo punto non mi ero nemmeno reso conto. Trovavo i tuoi contenuti in giro per la rete, tutto quel ben di Dio disponibile gratis, e pensavo che non ci fosse niente di male a rubare qualcosa che è gratis.

Ora ho capito that what I did is terribly serious and stupid. Stupid, because sooner or later you would have noticed. Serious, because looting your beautiful content, getting ugly with my style, and putting them in a circle with my name, I have removed the only property that you held: the ownership of your ideas ... but no, not that in reality, the ideas belong to everyone. Your style. That's all you are. And I got, I scrambled and I have started wearing it, shamefully. I could never get something worse?

Now what will you do? My complaint (after all, I have not respected the licenses)? Publish my name and my last name and IP address on a page well indexed by google, with the appropriate account and screenshots of all my misdeeds? Well, maybe I deserve it. We all know, google, what kind of person I am. And yet I beg for mercy. They are not bad. I'm just one who began to play without understanding the rules. At the bottom are still new environment.

I mean, if I remove all the pieces that I have plagiarized and apologizing publicly to all the people that I've plagiarized, you'd give me a second chance?
[Thanks to Mazzetta , as always].


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