Thursday, February 10, 2011

Father Speech 60th Birthday



"Non c'è reazionario più implacabile Innovator failed, there is the cruelest enemy of wild elephants domesticated elephant "(Brecht, I believe, on Galileo).

Sometimes I still wonder, and is a domanza idle like so many others: cos 'is Giuliano Ferrara? What form would, Giuliano Ferrara, if it could be removed from containers that have filled the niches that he found empty?

Now, for example fill a brief - and we know that it's humanly cost - does not like to exhibit their nakedness, suffered sincerely summer that ended on her thighs clear magazines. But now the boss needs a brief and mutanda gli toccherà riempire. Lo farà, ovviamente, contro qualcuno, in questo caso i perbenisti del Palasharp e della manifestazione di sabato prossimo. Le belle anime che non amano la vita, non amano i liberi scambi di sesso e soldi e poltrone. “Non abbiamo orrore dello scambio e del denaro , ci fa senso il vostro disgusto per la bigiotteria galante di Arcore”, e quindi tutti in mutande, hanno già aderito Sallusti e Iva Zanicchi, e Pietrangelo Buttafuoco “un po' il nostro Saviano”, peccato non ci sia Banfi, poteva essere il vostro Marlon Brando.

E sì, è lo stesso Ferrara che dopodomani magari si infilerà un cilicio e si digiunerà per espiare i peccati di una generazione Daddies of abortion. Or do you know that sex "since he stopped playing his freedom with the disqualification of nature and culture, since it was released and stupidly lost his aura caste and sinful, it has become extremely ridiculous and less effective purposive, that is to do for young children through the pleasure cultivating charity and love of self that are the essence of mankind and his rational soul or spiritual ... Yes, all right, but that has to do, one thing is normal people and mechanics that should only have sex to reproduce ("The condom, the pill and abortion have shifted the sex in the gym, replacing the maze of pleasure, if not the bright gift of love, with the trade of the mill fitness "), an account is the head, may well want to have as its turtles, its bribes, its seats of ministry? And if the exchange for a little 'about sex, we want to do the moralists? No, Ferrara today has a horror of moralism. Yesterday, he did not mind. What has changed.

We could argue, with some justification, that Ferrara moralism is ok until about Silvio Berlusconi. But it is an unnecessary evil, I suspect that Ferrara did not even fool a lot of Berlusconi - yes, his boss, yes, Silvio pay - but has never been a problem of money or power. Ferrara was also minister but physically unable to withstand stress, and the big money they made at the time the contracts were torn in Rai billionaires. In a sense, Ferrara has been retired for more than ten years, the sheet is to lose one of those shops that opened their professors retire, the baby of the public service pensioners, the initial investment puts him to her husband, so Mrs. is a bit 'out of the house while he goes inside the Escort. That is to say that Ferrara is not the handful of desperate people who have no other choice but to follow Berlusconi to the end. Nor is that group of professionals disappointed that they went on the wagon B sincerely believe we can give their contribution to the liberal revolution, journalists, economists and lawyers who, after a dozen years find themselves overtaken by tissue meteorinas letters, and it shocked them. Ferrara could actually give up the head at any time, several times threatened to do so, sometimes it really seemed that he did. If at the end there can never, not for loyalty or for convenience. It is just to anger us.

all? Yes, really, it's probably all. Ferrara is only a negative cast of our passions. In November of 2001 - the ashes of the World Trade Center were still warm - the movement that had experienced the repression Genoa took off for the first time in Rome against Bush's war. In the following months there were other ocean gear to Assisi and back to Rome. Ferrara was in the Piazza del Popolo, with some of his friends and a bit 'of flags of Israel. But him has never really screwed something Israel, Giuliano Ferrara? It is the Star of David a bit 'as the brief, one thing that we threw at it, he realized that bothers us? In the days when we liked to have sex without procreating, he wore a hair shirt and urged us to stop the exercise impure. Now, in front of the gym a little 'obsessive SB, we rediscover a bit' bigots, and Ferrara was ready to turn in their underwear. So in the end what sex Ferrara? It is not known, it is a useless question: not having any form, in Ferrara you just have to fill what is, and always casts a negative of ours. In the end it makes no sense even blame the lack of consistency, he does nothing but sing the counterpoint to our own. Anti-abortion when we were on the square 194; pro-life than when we asked for Mrs. Englaro; clerical atheist among the anti-clerical, anti-Zionist Zionist kind between the libertine and asexual among bigots, Ferrara in reality is always in our midst. Has nothing to do with the very right-wing press, the real one, or even with Felt Sallusti Signorini. In fact, the sheet is the most radical chic that you can read in Italian newsstands, solo che va letto in negativo.

In un romanzo  per il resto non molto riuscito, Giancarlo De Cataldo immagina il disappunto di un opinionista di assalto ex comunista nei giorni della caduta di Craxi. “Attraversato il pensiero di aver commesso, nell'abbandonare il partito, una colossale castroneria, valutò i possibili esiti di un cambio di squadra. Poteva prendersi una mesata sabbatica, cominciare a limare i toni dei suoi editoriali, e poi lanciare in grande stile l'operazione riallineamento. “Ho sbagliato, compagni, non dovevo andarmene, eccomi qua, sono tornato”. I compagni erano abbastanza idioti da credere al pentimento. Ma anche anche abbastanza astiosi da fargliela pagare a caro price. So he had no other choice but to continue fighting. " It is as if Ferrari continues to serve, over the years, a calculation error: anything less would have been humiliating to admit his mistakes and come back. Whatever. And so, while Gianfranco Fini became a hero of the left, Giuliano Ferrara is found at the Teatro del Verme in his underwear, an auto da fe that no one has asked yet another humiliation that is inflicted on its own. Like when he pulled the eggs on Benigni, not because they disliked Benigni, but everyone loved him and left in the midst of so much gray unanimity we also wanted someone in the severe censor, Ferrara is this: If you need the bad, the Pharisee, del basso del melodramma, lui si sobbarca, senza risparmio: mette in gioco l'unico corpo che ha, ed è un corpo complicato, difficile da gestire. Mettersi in mutande gli costerà qualcosa, ma sa che ne vale la pena, che anche stavolta riuscirà a farci voltare la testa. Come fa a saperlo – è facile: ne soffrirà per primo lui, e lui non ha mai smesso di essere uno di noi. L'elefante più crudele di tutti.


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