Friday, August 28, 2009

Fix Roller Shade Spring


Claudio Zambelli

Location: Shumen, Isperih, Montana, Sofia Country: Bulgaria (BG)

Trip Start Date: Sunday, October 28, 2007
Travel Ending: Sunday, November 4, 2007

What a nice surprise to Bulgaria! It was the first of several trips in Next month I'll have to do to work will touch some parts of Eastern Europe and even more in the rest of the ... mondo.Come This has always been for me a great professional opportunity and the chance to spend a few hours to visit places that otherwise ... who knows when ... I never meant for Bulgaria visto.Partire a bit 'a leap in the dark. ... In fact, as far as I'm concerned, when I thought a difficult journey that led to the horizon terra.Poche things I knew and, even still, I know a few things in this country, but I am conscious that a visit to these parts is the pena.Purtroppo I have only touched the areas of greatest tourist stay in the industrial town of Sumen, Isperich, Kaspican, Montana and spent just 3 nights Sofia.Le true impressions I have in my head are those experienced on the road, looking at life and the people who passed by; Rent a car at the airport of Sofia, me and my colleague Luca waiting for us to go 2500 km in a week into the unknown territory of Bulgaria, equipped with our GPS. ... despite the maps were not so complete. ... We traveled like a dream! The immediate impact was strong enough, to think that this country has just joined the European Community and .... see how far they should go to reach the rest of Europe. It's really sad to think that a little more than an hour's flight from Bologna, one can still find a lot of poverty, degradation and poor prospects in the short term. For the people I met, for the new friends that I left, I hope that the entry into the European community means a steady growth and a new light on the horizon. That said, and left the gray suburbs of Sofia, starting with the notes liete.Lungo "our" streets, I think I made a long journey through time, entering inland ... ... ... .. do not know why but that's how I imagined Italy 40/50Natura years quite untouched countryside as far as the eye, the colors nature (in this case, the intense red and yellow autumn), plains and rolling hills, grazing animals free ... .. and families around the carrozza.Questo just do not want to believe .... the donkey pulling the wagon, led by the head of the family, the woman at his side, behind the children and anziani.Nei near Shumen, Isperih not much to see apart from a few memories of the communist era monuments, nature and a pair di siti storico/archeologici. La Stessa Sofia, escludendo la ristretta area del centro storico, non ha molto da offrire. Ricordo però con piacere il Teatro nazionale con il suo intenso colore rosso e la pedonale Vitosa road, piena di negozi alla moda, ristoranti, bar e tanta gente giovane in giro a fare compere. Da quello che ho potuto capire, sarebbero state altre le zone da visitare……dirigendosi verso il Mar Nero, nelle località di Burgas e Varna, a Plodviv, con il suo famoso anfiteatro, e gli innumerevoli paesini di montagna, tranquilli, silenziosi, incastonati sulle montagne, nel bel mezzo dei balcani.Per quale motivo visitare/tornare in Bulgaria?La vita per noi è davvero molto economica, rispetto gli standard europei. The food is delicious for me, for much of the meat, and I got to say that, after Italy, Bulgaria is the place where I ate better. Among other things, the products are truly natural, fruit and vegetables are delicious. Is there a good local crafts, from wood carving to stained carpets, are also very interesting flea markets in Sofia, near the Russian cathedral, with real objects and good imitations of Europe year 30/60. The approach has been positive with people, I found so much friendliness and availability back home, among other things, good memories and some new friends.

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per gentile autorizzazione del Sig. Claudio Zambelli dal suo diario viaggi

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