Our dear Bulgaria .............. Christmas in Bulgaria
by Vito1957
I do not have much experience in Bulgaria, what I know, I owe largely to the Friends of the Forum (Italian living in Bulgaria and Bulgarians) that some year ago gave me a lot and useful information to my journey in the streets of this friendly nation. I'm back at other times by air, much more 'comfortable, but devoid of that spirit of adventure that lives with the bike and I really fell in love with this country that many Italians see as unjustifiably dangerous and faraway images. This justifies the lack of a number of Italian tourists, such as occurs in Greece and Croatia despite considerable natural beauty, I was fascinated by the pristine forests and expanses of sunflowers we met during our trip that gave you the sense of beauty of nature. In this country living the reality more 'different, you can find on the street a cart with wheels pulled by a horse che trasporta la gente che lavora nei campi e subito dopo incrociare una fiammante mercedes; puoi trovare gente genuina (come esisteva molti anni fa in Italia che ti offre quel poco che ha) e persone che ti guardano con diffidenza. Questo stridente contrasto mi affascina, così come il passare del tempo che qui non sembra interessare molto. Il viaggiatore che arriva in Bulgaria sappia che per alcuni versi farà un salto indietro nel tempo, ma per altri, troverà soluzioni molto evolute soprattutto nel campo della tecnologia che da noi non sono ancora state adottate. Per esempio i bulgari hanno già da tempo la carta di identita’ elettronica, mentre noi stiamo ancora decidendo dove come e quando rilasciarla………………, already have the fiber optics and more. Often discuss with my partner for the Bulgarian understand their way of life, their culture to try to improve my approach to this nice people and I always think the next time I go there. The Italian group found there is very compact and very well integrated into the social fabric Bulgarian, in fact many of them fellow Bulgarian like me and often meet to greet a friend who is arriving or leaving, or to spend an evening together, an anniversary or also for the sheer pleasure of being together. This way of making you the feeling of being still in the family while being away from Italy. Thanks friends. See you soon. Vito.
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