by Ivana Parisi
When I went for the first time in my life on holiday in a place in the Balkans, I must say it surprised me molto.Ci Sofia have been three weeks since the first time and I really enjoyed as a city. This is because although it tends to grow and evolve, role model, the more developed European countries, is very keen to preserve what are its origins but also its storia.Negli peripheral corners of the city you can find palaces built by the communist regime, instead those in power the various cultures of the various dominations blend of allowing tourists to appreciate how the Bulgarian people is fierce and clinging to their origins, but mainly because it has lottatto to break free from various rules, but particola modo da quella turca.Inoltre una cosa che mi ha sorpreso è il costo della vita che è veramente basso al punto che con meno di mille euro sono riuscita a passare delle bellissime vacanze senza farmi mancare mai nulla ma soprattutto dormendo in hotel puliti e accoglienti che si possono paragonare ai nostri 3 stelle.
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