Thursday, March 10, 2011

Some Of My Dogs Nipples Are Big And Purple

The new Baudo (it's better than the old)

I read Popstar culture Alexander Trocino, and do not know if I recommend it. The focus of the text is the introduction, you find the full Post, where he explains the phenomenal definition then that is the entire book: popstar of culture, exactly. Here are six short monographs on many pop stars (Saviano, Allevi, Petrini, Grillo, Mauro Corona, Camilleri), which generally arouse in me the effect instant book, I do not know if I can explain it, when you think: "That's interesting, I read a real book on the subject. " Perhaps Trocino had a bit 'too much hurry to get out after the success di Via con me , che è un po' la premessa di tutto il libro (Fazio come nuovo sacerdote della nuova cultura midcult ). In effetti tutti e sei i personaggi si dimostrano molto interessanti e meritevoli di analisi un po' più approfondite, salvo che a quel punto magari Grillo si sarebbe incazzato e avrebbe sequestrato tutto (sì, pare che Grillo faccia ritirare le biografie non autorizzate, è un dettaglio interessante, se si pensa che la vita di Grillo è materiale da Dostoevskij). E in generale, chi si sarebbe letto un volume di trecento pagine, di cui magari cinquanta sulla concezione petriniana dell'agricultura, o altre trenta sul neoprimitivismo coroniano? Mi viene quasi il dubbio che le sei monographs are working mainly for the sparks that are in summary: the effect of combinations as read-Saviano Allevi. In reality very Trocino grants to Saviano, and is even willing to acknowledge that Grillo is not anti-politics, any more than many politicians. But still, in the end a debate about this book can only relate to the definition of pop stars. If I had to sum it all on one page, put this:

The modern intellectual is no longer time to the drive belt between the party and the masses. Cultural hegemony of the left took over, silent but devastating, a new hegemony "subculture", to use Massimiliano Panarari, which has replaced the first, by injecting into the society and the dangerous pandemic germ of media populism. Sixteen years
domain Berlusconi has impressed an indelible mark in the national character. To exit from the confines of the subculture berlusconicentrica mephitic and to escape the maelstrom of self, the intellectual has given a crash. Dominated for decades of debate and autopoietic soporific film club, now drunk and sick from their presumed moral superiority, long since degraded into a moralism indefensible caste protected by the cultural left and broke the lines, moving in a random order, has jumped in same circuit populism of the right, innervated with robust injections of steroids modern cathode. What remains of the cultural left in the hands of the apes baudesco nazionalpopolare, using the ancient strings of emotion, feeling, soul, dell'antirazionalismo, dell'antimodernismo and cialtroneria, which have always constituted the core of the melodramatic Italic and cunning character. Thus is born and thrives Giovanni Allevi ...

Some objections:

1. B erlusconi won o. He inoculated. We sold a crash and now we find ourselves Allevi, while first listening to ... listen ... boh, Benedetti Michelangeli? Trocino, which also identifies very clearly what are the contents of the deterioration of 'pop star' (sentimental, anti-rationalist, primitivism, etc.), and elsewhere if it takes explicitly with the "vendors of apocalyptic," here, Trocino is not entirely immune from apocalyptic feeling. Even in its most undersold, the antiberlusconismo. To imagine that Mr Berlusconi has left an indelible mark, we postulate an age of innocence when we were not Berlusconi, had not yet grasped the apple and the snake then fruivamo a real culture, not pop stars. But never was this golden age when instead of listening to Allevi Benedetti Michelangeli, while leafing through the dialectic of the Enlightenment rather than Camilleri? I ask you, I do not remember, maybe because I'm young?

Trocino same as the initial manifestation of the cultural popstar duel between the post September 11 Terzani Fallaci and the pages of Corriere. Here, for example, Fallaci. Definitely a pop star when he wrote The Rage and the Pride (the appendix is \u200b\u200bcalled extreme, just happened, Revelation). But Fallaci seventies? Qualle of super-mega-interviews with the protagonists of the twentieth century? Fallaci's A Man of Letters or a child? Not had the look, charisma and the audience of a pop star? E. .. Pasolini? Trocino quoting him finds himself often, as the putative father of a certain feeling that meanders through the new anti-modern pop star. Pasolini was an author on his own tangled and twisted ideology, but simply pensiamolo in the role that he played (which had somehow agreed to interpret) in the cultural debate of the '70s, think of the Literature Stroke was not a pop star - indeed, rather, a rock star - he, too, when he wrote "I know" or "I hate you dear students? And Morante the world saved by children ? And Don Milani, not very harsh of pastoral experience, but that's sweetened vulgata veltroniana , what is not a hero because he rejects the poor students? And Dario For? Indro Montanelli And when it was the history? Enzo Biagi and when it became a trademark (a guarantee of mediocrity) to stick on any industrial product, including comics? All this happened when Berlusconi made the most of the building speculators, not the invented him Midcult. As a result I do not think that has added much to a formula already tried and tested. It has simply taken advantage, as any publisher (Feltrinelli has not done? E Adelphi?)

2. F Actium and the new B ud o. I agree. So what? In my opinion, would agree the same Fazio, is probably the design that has been pursuing for years. At this point, however, an intellectual exercise, I propose: imagine what would Domenica In, the container's Sunday Rai Fazio if he was managing for ten years, as it probably would have happened without edicts Prague and in general without Berlusconi to power. There is no doubt that he would run as it ran Baudo in the eighties: inviting singers and writers, featuring singers and ballet series, and giving the evening the line at 90 th minute. According to Fazio has always wanted me to be there, the reigning Italian on Sunday. There is no doubt that it would be a Sunday nazionalpopolare, but Sunday would it be? An interview with Peter Gabriel (the time that instead of discussing the crime of Avetrana), a curtain with Albanian (instead Platinette), a chat with popular Odifreddi (instead of a service at the end of the world in 2012), a experimental ballet but then un'ospitata of Follett or Calasso presenting their cardboard (instead of a service from the Big Brother house). That would be Sunday? Of course we would have better to do than watch it - but it would be an improvement, not only against the shit that affects our digestion while dozing on the couch, but also in relation to Sunday baudiana? In short, it is noted that the new Fazio Baudo, as bad as Baudo? Baudo Fallaci did not invite or Pasolini, came too late, but it is not even able to find Pier Vittorio Tondelli or Andrea Pazienza. I remember the various incorruptible Bevilacqua, Gervase, De Crescenzo, Luca Goldoni, for goodness sake all nice people, but we're not even bother to end the pop star. But patience is a Fazio would go. And we would have given the nazionalpopolare. Because we believe living in a poor Italy, not knowing how bad it is one in which Berlusconi has won on Sunday and is headed by creatures like Giletti, or to swear.

3. L and ash G ramsc i. For the apocalyptic Trocino the appearance of these pop stars is a clear symptom of the degenerate culture of the left (sometimes appears as Gramsci tutelary deity, the truth is the reflection on Gramsci nazionapopolare was a bit 'thinner). Now, give him to the left is a national sport that I practice as an amateur (but a child I dreamed of professionalism). But, in fact, who told us that bred and left? Not him, he has not said. From what you should know? And Mauro Corona? It could easily be considered more an author the right, with its apocalyptic primitivism? Sometimes, rather than be left, these pop stars "are" from the left: see Petrini, with its history of communist section. Trocino then insists on the 'betrayal' by Petrini, his flirtation with the League. You could simply take note that the founder of Slow Food, from left, deliberately moved up conservative positions that took him by force to cross with traditional movements and identity. Saviano himself, rather than with "Come away with me" is found in small television antiberlusconiana, enjoyed a degree of cross-disciplinary policy, and Socci second side was even an intellectual right (by the way, and Socci? It is not his as a pop star, albeit more local, let's say a neomelodico of parrocchietta? E Veneziani? E Buttafuoco? E chi li legge? Sì, appunto, è il solito problema della cultura italiana di destra, che non trovi nessuno disposto a leggertela, figurati a passarti i riassunti). Il fatto che da sinistra spuntino più popstar dipende se mai dal fatto che sempre di consumo culturale stiamo parlando, e il bacino di questo consumo è sempre il famoso ceto medio riflessivo coi capelli grigi che intasa le librerie Feltrinelli alle sei di pomeriggio di ogni santo sabato: i libri e i dischi li comprano praticamente solo loro  (per dire io Trocino l'ho preso in biblioteca), quindi è abbastanza naturale che oggi le popstar nascano lì. Ma non restano lì , questo mi sembra importante. Si diventa popstar when you manage to break through their traditional basin and also like all the other . The same Camilleri, before turning to invective involved, has gained its popularity on the thing that exists on the cross benches of the literary marketplace: the yellow serial. Stuff basically conservative, not because the law usually prevails and the Order is restored: except in those years there was a huge appreciation of film noir from the left, which allowed Camilleri and his readers not to perceive that guilt - but also that delicious sense of the forbidden - that had the 'companions' of thirty years ago that showed off Marcuse on the shelves but on the night of your stay Yellow piled Mondadori. C averaged. . .

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Welcome Note For Dentist

The Winx Veltroni

Veltroni 132 - None 113

I realize that sometimes I am boring, with Veltroni, as far as I say and do is clearly not on the list of top ten problems each of us. But this time I think it is worth to insist, at least here. It also has to do with what was said Monday, the need to give precise targets, even small, but achievable. Here, tonight I could write about many things (Libya, the school, the crisis) without being able to change any. Or I might insist on Veltroni, because maybe you can do here tonight concrete steps to resize it. Exactly, Veltroni is now within my reach. It does not mean that I have become important, huh, sure. It simply means that Veltroni is becoming smaller, and that his outlandish statements are beginning to get lost in background noise (which I would then, hello, my name is Leonardo and produce noise).

the rest, judge for yourself. Sunday Veltroni called the peaceful people in the streets. He decided to do it through facebook, which I believe is a suicidal move, a fairly blatant demonstration of ignorance of the dynamics of Internet users - No one expects that the rest of the WV knows for sure who has better things to do and learn what are tags like - but there should be someone who can advise? It is not the representative of an important current of the PD? It is not known. Whatever the reason, the appeal is still there. has collected hundreds of comments, and not all insulting, as I wrote Monday. God forbid, the world is beautiful because it is diverse. But we want to talk about "like", or whatever they're called in Italian the "like"? Veltroni's piece, published on Sunday morning, like 132 persons per hour. Are they many? I do not seem so. I seem to almost 132 stones on the grave of the charisma of a leader. I exaggerate? A prominent politician is uncertain because the squares are not filled for la pace, o contro Gheddafi (come se fosse la stessa cosa manifestare per la pace e contro Gheddafi), e il suo accorato invito alla mobilitazione... piace a 132 persone . Così, a occhio non ci riempi una piazza. D'altro canto è solo un numero, e i numeri da soli non dicono molto.

Ma è sufficiente accostarli ad altri numeri: per esempio io (che non sono nessuno), lunedì mattina ho pubblicato sull' un pezzo in cui rispondevo a Veltroni. Mi è venuto magari un po' pedestre, va bene, chiedo scusa, in ogni caso la mia risposta a Veltroni piace per ora a 113 persone. Sono molte? Sono poche? Per i numeri che faccio di solito io su facebook, sono parecchie. In termini assoluti is very small. But if we compare with the figure of Veltroni ... Think about it, is a former secretary of the Democratic Party, one that is still in the headlines with his declarations ( yesterday gave an interview in Il Sole 24 Ore , rambling as usual, where he continues to wonder why the pacifists do not support the guerrillas . Veltroni, in short, those who demonstrated against the war in Iraq were pacifists and those who march on Tripoli guerrillas. Is it really so hard to tell the difference?) Here, a personality like calls to arms for peace facebook, and gets like 132. A nerd's answer, and it gets 113. And with a little 'stress I think that 113 may anche superare il 132. Esatto, sì, vi sto chiedendo di votare per me su Facebook. Lo so che è imbarazzante, ma credo che potrebbe avere un pur minuscolo significato mediatico. Come minimo, sarebbe la dimostrazione che è meglio non usarlo, Facebook, se sei Walter Veltroni e vuoi chiamare il tuo popolo alle barricate. Non è l'ambiente adatto. Lo so che fuori c'è un mondo che non saprà mai chi sono io e conosce e stima WV. Lo so, Facebook non è assolutamente rappresentativo di nessun bacino elettorale. Però un flop su Facebook è pur sempre un flop. Il ridimensionamento di un personaggio che non sta facendo bene al PD passa anche attraverso momenti come questi: lui prova una sortita, rimedia pernacchie, la prossima time be more careful.

is something that has already happened in the past, for example, Francesco Rutelli. Do you remember, Rutelli? Remember that at some point you even come to regard the thought of voting for him? For her figure long dominated the political debate: his choice of field prodiana, his centrist skids, filled the front pages. Then something happened. Slowly, long before it disappeared from the scene, Rutelli stopped being interesting. What happened? It was not understood, but no one ever take away from the head that was because of the Winx, the popular dolls. That is, at some point someone published a survey of center-left leader (Rutelli era evidentemente tra i candidati), qualche buontempone tra i leader inserì le Winx, che non sbancarono, ma guadagnarono un dignitoso uno o due per cento, attestandosi – questo è importante – molto al di sopra del dato di Francesco Rutelli. A quel punto forse anche ai vertici capirono. Continuarono a candidarlo, perché l'autolesionismo a sinistra è un dato oggettivo: riuscirono persino a perdere il municipio di Roma: però ormai era andata, dopo il confronto con le Winx Rutelli non è più stato lo stesso. Era già antipatico più o meno a tutti, ma tutti davano per scontato che fosse il candidato adatto a qualcun altro. I comunisti pensavano ai cattolici, i cattolici pensavano ai radicali, radicals thought mboh, there we are going badly taken off. The Winx freed us from the spell, thanks Winx. Rutelli And then it is even out of the PD, and you know what had been lost in the polls when the Democratic Party Rutelli came out with all his teodem? Nothing, indeed, gained a bit '. Thanks Winx.

Well, maybe chance, or fate, or the plot plutomassogiudaicofacebookiano, gave me the opportunity to be the Winx Walter Veltroni. I think it is my duty to play my role until the end. I'm nobody, I'm a character on useless writing long pieces and serious. But maybe I'm on facebook more popular than Walter Veltroni. So, dear journalists, of course I do not pretend to take seriously. Ma la piantiamo piuttosto di prendere sul serio Walter Veltroni?

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Monday, March 7, 2011

Calacatta Marble Kitchen

If not now, later.

Dunque, come forse già sapete ieri Walter Veltroni - un rappresentante del PD che questo blog segue con un certo interesse - si è domandato su facebook perché nessuno va a riempire le piazze per manifestare contro il cattivo Gheddafi. L'episodio credo che farà storia, anche soltanto per le modalità con cui Veltroni ha deciso di intervenire in un argomento delicato che sta tormentando molte coscienze pacifiste e non: cosa dovremmo fare per i libici? Ecco, mentre noi stavamo a tormentarci le coscienze, Veltroni ci ha scritto che dovremmo darci da fare, che una volta eravamo più attenti, che siamo rifluiti al "nostro giardino", e lo ha fatto on Facebook, so, without filters. Now is the clay pigeon shooting started, which is well on Facebook.

While Veltroni was injured in various ways, I wrote my theory of Monday (cached copy here ), in which I explained to him in substance that Gaddafi is not the kind of person that if you fill a square in Rome leaves, which is a little 'just to deal with the problems in this way, that a political leader is also seen by the ability to offer a motion to place concrete proposals, instead of complaining because people in the square and there is Sunday prefer to stay home to water the garden. The piece unit. It was going pretty , but now there's a technical problem and the blogs are the unit (hopefully temporarily) non-existent. So for now I copied it down here (update: he came back, you read beyond ).

Caro Veltroni, why not go out on the streets against Gaddafi is online (I hope) on the unit. Com. It says or here on facebook.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Why Is Pikachu Rare In Silver

Ruby is a hologram (and we too)

When you tell a story - and it is your honor - you have to make it as easy as possible, without blurring, with few joints, because ogni snodo è un punto critico, una chiave di volta, e ne basta una sola fasulla a far crollare tutto quanto.

Detto questo, cerchiamo di riassumere il caso Ruby. Silvio Berlusconi è accusato di averla pagata per una prestazione sessuale mentre era minorenne (e di aver concusso alcuni pubblici ufficiali affinché fosse affidata a Nicole Minetti, ma di questo al massimo parliamo un'altra volta). Questa è la tesi dell'accusa; ma Berlusconi non può avere avuto una prestazione sessuale con Ruby, perché è un ultrasettantenne anziano che è stato operato alla prostata, e quindi "addio rapporti", come scrisse Vittorio Feltri un paio di anni fa . Il caso quindi è chiuso.

Però In short, it is said, there are expensive operations that recover the urogenital function, the same Felt and a few days after the headline "We are all Berlusconi," and did not mean "we are all powerless over seventy" but rather something like "we are all whoremongers" . But if Berlusconi was able to have sex, it would not have had with Ruby, and all professional and semi-professionals of the magical world of Bunga-bunga, because he is boyfriend, she says, and this obviously takes girlfriend of an eye.

But Berlusconi (who is powerless) (but if not, would be engaged), this girlfriend has been for two months and not resent it says shows it, one thing that if it was our pal Silvio courtyard of twelve years, we'd still be there to tease at forty, hey Silvio salutaci Gertrude (rough hand). However, Silvio (who is powerless) (but if not, would be engaged), even if she had sex with Ruby, it would not pay ... because in fact, look in the force of his 80 years he is the kind of man that women must pay for them because they're away. So the case is closed.

On the other hand seems to show that Ruby is prostituisse before meeting Berlusconi, who were prostitutes, many of his acquaintances, including the lady who asked aiuto a Berlusconi quando Ruby era in questura; la stessa da cui Ruby andò a vivere dopo che Nicole Minetti dalla questura la fece uscire. Si sa che alla fine dei suoi ricevimenti chic Berlusconi distribuiva cospicue bustarelle anche alle tipe che non gli avevano fatto nemmeno un mezzo sorriso. Dunque Silvio (che è impotente) (e se non lo fosse sarebbe fidanzato) (e se avesse tradito la fidanzata con Ruby non lo avrebbe fatto a pagamento) potrebbe in effetti aver pagato Ruby. Ciò comunque non costituirebbe reato, perché... (rullo di tamburo) Ruby in realtà è maggiorenne! Lo dice un documento in Marocco. Bene.

D'altro canto ci sono documenti e testimonianze dei famigliari che dicono il contrario . And so Berlusconi - who is powerless - but if not, would be engaged - but if he had betrayed his girlfriend Ruby, however, did not pay - but if he had paid, he was an adult, however, Ruby ... Silvio, say, will probably have to invent another. We have no doubt that we will succeed, and maybe it will be the right time. But tonight I was going to participate in the brainstorming. In the hope that some member of his legal staff read leonardo, hey you, you feel a little 'what I have here for you:

  • Ruby was so minor, but in reality it was a minor cyborg (documentary follows edited by Daniel Bossari). Sex with the cyborg is not yet regulated by law, and then Berlusconi (who is powerless) (and if not it would be impotent boyfriend) (and if he cheated with his girlfriend Ruby, however, would not have paid) (and if ' had paid, however, would be of age) can not be punished for having sex with a cyborg, even if minor (under age but what it means for the community cyborg? Now we have to wait until the legal age to use the robots? "Oh God, how old is my blender ? Three? And I used to blend vegetable soup? Child Exploitation! Life sentence) And if a trivial medical examination had to demonstrate that it is not a cyborg, we might add that ...
  • Ruby is a hologram of a cyborg , and having sex with a hologram equals more or less to do with themselves ... Explain that, and then, men of the jury want to punish a man (who happens to be impotent) (and if not it would be impotent boyfriend) (and if he cheated with his girlfriend Ruby, however, would not have paid) (and if had paid, however, would be of age) (and if not majority, however, would be a cyborg) (indeed, the hologram of a cyborg) because he dedicated himself to a little 'healthy masturbation with hi-tech perceptual illusions? But there will always be some nosy convinced he can prove that the notice last night that Mascelloni has a lot of fun to dance Viennese sylphs slave is not a hologram, but a girl in the flesh, and then get this:
  • We all a hologram. The scientists say (continued interesting article in comic sans ). Others disagree, but at this point, sorry, what is reality? It makes sense to worry about a particular case, when philosophers and scientists have not yet reached an agreement on the existence of the world that which we perceive with the senses? Then Silvio (who happens to be impotent) (and if it is not impotent boyfriend) (and if he cheated with his girlfriend Ruby, would not have paid anyway) (and if he had paid, however, would be of age) (and if not majority, however, would be a cyborg) (indeed, the hologram of a cyborg) can not have sex with him because Ruby that does not exist, as there is no me, do not exist you, dear readers, and all reality as we imagine (judges included: indeed, there are those who not). We are only shadows on the cave, reflecting a kaleidoscope of randomness and causality that can and can not intertwine, and at this point if there captures the giddiness of the unknown, and we hide under the covers with the first passing, who can blame them? Especially since we are powerless. E se non lo fossimo, saremmo fidanzati. E se avessimo tradito la fidanzata, comunque non lo avremmo fatto pagando. E se anche avessimo pagato, avremmo pagato una maggiorenne. E se anche fosse stata una minorenne, eccetera.

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Note on arrangement - Air Transport Department

It ended today with the agreement of the long negotiation unit Alitalia. The same open in early December covered the plans for the rationalization and efficiently presented by the company.

The agreement sets the perimeters of the unit processes that efficiently cover all categories of ground staff and flight attendants pilots
that the effects of these processes will lead to voluntary exits only up to a maximum of 700 workers of all categories in the territory national.
that voluntary redundancies may not result in adverse effects on quality and quantity of all segments and production activities in this regard that
company has established a joint commission monitoring that will follow the entire path of the projects and voluntary redundancies in order to verify the need for staff to not affect the production process in the event of approval of the request output cigs; processes of internalization of logistics maintenance
vocational training is is defined as a joint effort to share training and retraining projects for staff from AZ in AS in cigs
security work: the Legislative Decree 81 of April opens a discussion table for all categories
stabilization with ground staff length of initial contract until the end of 2004 (and earlier) of CTD throughout naz.le. In addition to initiating the confirmation personale ex CTI di AZ in AS oggi ctd az ( ground; call center; manutenzione)
l.247 definito accordo come da CCNL Trasporto Aereo. Dal primo aprile a regime 44 mesi. Dalla stessa data richiamo in servizio dei ctd che avevano raggiunto la soglia dei 30/36 mesi.
istituito l' Osservatorio nazionale sul contenzioso che ha l'obiettivo di definire in sede di conciliazione il contenzioso stesso dando luogo ad ulteriori stabilizzazioni.
personale navigante sblocco dei part time con relativi ingressi dalla cigs a riempire le necessità di organico che ne derivano. Sblocco dei trasferimenti dalla periferia verso roma
definito un impegno congiunto e l'attivazione verso il min lavoro per la ricerca di soluzioni al problema dei lavoratori in cigs AS to AZ in less than a retirement at the end of the period of social safety nets.
a series of solutions of the three thematic categories that had given rise to disputes. Unresolved issues for the scheduling tables
A comparison of positive and important agreement which marks the discontinuity relationship with the company, the report retrieves unitary conuiga in the balance, perhaps for the first time since the birth of Azca business needs with those of the employees we represent both active in cigs.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Yamaha Sx 230 Jet Boat For Sale

The tray was negotiable

Nell'interesse nazionale
- Nel futuro prossimo, in un buio palazzo di Roma:

“Presidente, buongiorno, mi aveva chiamato?”
“Buongiorno, sì, è probabile, ma in questo momento non ho la minima idea di chi tu sia, scusa”.
“Sono un agente dell'intelligence del Ministero della Difesa, nome in codice...”
“...lascia perdere, tanto me lo dimenticherò tra un istante. Ma insomma, secondo te perché ti ho mandato a chiamare, non ti viene in mente un motivo...”
“Presidente, è Lei stesso ad avermi incaricato recentemente di svolgere una missione in Libia...”
“Io stesso? Faccio il ministro degli esteri, adesso?”
“No, Presidente, tecnicamente il ministro è Frattini”.
“Frat... ok, ho capito. Di cosa ti avrei incaricato, insomma?”
“Di prendere contatti riservati con la dirigenza del movimento di liberazione libico, che ormai controlla il novanta per cento del Paese”.
“Ah, ecco! Giusto! La Libia! Scusa, eh, ma al mattino ci metto un po' a ingranare. Senti, nome in codice... vabbe', chissenefrega. Se ho chiamato te, è perché nel momento in cui ti ho chiamato ero perfettamente in grado di intendere che tu sei il migliore uomo che abbiamo...”
“Beh, grazie, Presidente, in realtà io...”
“Perché la missione che stai per compiere è maledettamente complicata. Ora, quello che ti sto per dire non deve uscire da questi muri, intesi? Cala le braghe”.
“Qui, presidente?”
“Ma no, sciocco, intendevo in senso figurato. Cala le braghe, accetta qualsiasi richiesta ti chiederanno. Non possiamo assolutamente permetterci di perderla, la Libia. È fondamentale”.
“Sì, presidente, infatti mi aveva già...”
“Non è solo il petrolio. Ma comunque è anche quello. Con i rincari che ci sono in giro io non posso passare alla storia come quello che si è fatto soffiare il petrolio dietro casa. E poi c'è il discorso gas. Certo, abbiamo pur sempre quello di Putin...”
“Riguardo al gas, presidente...”
“Però, se poi domani casca Putin? Non si può mai sapere, mai. Anche Gheddafi sembrava immortale, e adesso guardalo. No, no, la Libia ci serve, costi quel che costi. Non tanto per gas e petrolio, quanto per il discorso respingimenti”.
“Beh, presidente, anche per quanto riguarda i respingimenti, io...”
"That's a fundamental thing, you know, dude, the governments of Italy if you are able to hide under the rug the problems, and we had made a bargain with Gaddafi, we break all the derelicts of the Mediterranean, and he made them disappear in the desert that was a pleasure. A service like this, who will make it there ... "
" But you see, just ... "
" Exactly, set his pants. Everything you want. To say they want a mosque in Rome? I do it to him in Rome, do not look at anyone "
" President, in fact, a mosque in Rome ... "
" Ratzinger s'incazza? And let it Scazzi, Ratzinger, not makes me fill up with petrol, Ratzinger, not if you can take the barges Ratzinger. Look, you tell them to these new Libyan colonels that if they have children old enough to do them to him play in Serie A, But not in Perugia, this time, tell him I put them in pink to Milan, there's really no problem. "
"President ..."
"And good luck, because you need it."
"Luck? Why president? "
" What questions, the journey you are about to do in Libya ravaged by civil war ... "
" But I've already been to Libya, President, I returned the other day. "
"Oh yeah? But sorry, who had Briffa you? "
“Ma lei, Presidente, la settimana scorsa. E mi aveva detto più o meno le stesse cose”.
“Di calare le braghe?”
“Non aveva usato proprio la stessa espressione, ma il senso era quello”.
“E quindi sei già tornato”.
“Sì, probabilmente lei mi ha fatto chiamare per sapere com'era andata. Anche se gliel'ho già spiegato ieri”.
“Ecco, bravo, com'è andata? Magari oggi sarò più attento di ieri, proviamo”.
“È andata molto bene”.
“Hai calato le braghe?”
“Ma non c'è stato davvero bisogno. Hanno un Paese da ricostruire e sono ansiosi di doing business with us, that we are a natural partner. Of course, we must be discreet, because the nation is still covered by a very strong anti-Italian sentiment. As long as ... "
" So with oil and gas are in place? Same rate? "
" would also be arranged at a small discount, as long as ... "
" And the rejections? "
" Do not wait to become our jailers, even there, they are most ready to reopen the concentration camps in the desert at low prices, provided that ... "
" Why do you keep saying provided ? "
" There is that clause, President ... we talked about ieri...”
“E tu riparlamene. Potrà anche capitarmi di avere qualche vuoto di memoria, ogni tanto, alla mia età... con tutti i miei impegni... le preoccupazioni...”
“Insomma, Presidente, loro sono dispostissimi a fare affari con noi, ma prima di sedersi a un qualsiasi tavolo ufficiale vogliono una cosa. Una sola cosa... piccola... o grande, a seconda del punto di vista”.
“E cosa vorranno mai, questi beduini”.
“La testa di Calderoli su un vassoio d'argento”.
“La che?”
“Informalmente hanno ammesso che il vassoio d'argento è trattabile, probabilmente si accontenterebbero di un contenitore di plastica. Ma è fondamentale, is vital for containing ... "
" Calderoli's head, but why? But excuse me, how do they know these people, Calderoli? "
" Eh, it's a long story ... "
" I can hardly remember it myself, Calderoli.
"The Minister of regulatory simplification."
"Simplification ... I really invented a ministry like this? "
" It seems so. "
"I'm so cool. And it is a Northern League, right? "
" Yes, well, you probably have forgotten what happened in 2006 ... before the elections in which Prodi won. "
"Okay, then, in a television broadcast Calderoli, who at that time was the Minister for Reforms, showed live a shirt with a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad. As you know, for many Muslims the prophet's face is not shown. The scene was broadcast in Libya and had the spontaneous movements of protest against the Italian diplomatic. In particular, in Benghazi, in front of our consulate, police fired on crowds of protesters Gaddafi and made a dozen dead. was February 17. "
"Is that all? They want his head because it showed a T-shirt? "
" President, them of the incident became a symbol ... Tiennammen a sort of square, the date was commemorated by all Libyan dissidents, and every year they met in the square of our consulate ... and five years after the insurrection against Gaddafi started from there, the commemoration of February 17, will likely become the new national holiday. In short, Calderoli has become a symbol for them, and those who fail to show his head on a platter, well ... have the consent of 90% of the population for many, many years. "
"A question the media, in short."
"And who better than she could understand ..."
"Understanding I can understand, but I'm not a savage, in short, they want to head ? Micah I can give something like that, I mean, what do we figure? "
" They were more or less his objections yesterday. "
"I mean, I'd understand if we talk of a targeted killing ... could use to me, perhaps blaming Al Qaeda, a little 'strategy of tension in the elections ... "
" This was indeed my counter. "
"I do not want to know. Do not want to seem sponsors of terrorists, they want to prove that if they ask for one thing they get, then the head or anything. They say it may well sell the gas to someone else. Maybe it's a bluff. "
"Why me, then, in the national interest, I could understand ... the sacrifice of a man for the entire nation ... I ask Bossi, anyway. "
"We have already asked."
"And who says?"
"It is not clear, but seems to have no objection articulated."
"And certainly, as a seat for the family. But that figure we make with the electorate ... a Bedouin Muslim asks us a head and we give it to him ... does not do much defending sacred values \u200b\u200bof the West ... Though ... but are you sure that there are alternatives? And if I do a mosque in Rome? "
" President, the mosque in Rome is already there. "
"Oh yeah?"
"Bella great, too."
"crazy stuff, one wakes up one day e. .. But listen, these days cosmetic surgery does wonders. In the sense that ... "
" I understand, President. "
"I say so, I'm thinking out loud ... take a dick any, a set of forums with an emphasis Varese.
"Calderoli is Bergamo.
"What is ... to change the features as required, and in twenty-four hours we would have a new Minister of simplicity, there. "
"simplification rules".
"In place of the other that we send to the Libyans in the national interest. What do you think? "
" President, this idea is not new to me, if only because it came the same yesterday. "
"Yes? It is a sign that it's a good idea. "
"And yesterday I did not have the courage, but today I make this claim: Excuse me, eh, but at this point we could not give the helper with the connotations of Calderoli the Libyans, and the Ministry of the Calderoli keep it?"
" Ah yes, funny, I never thought of. "
"Not yesterday."
"E Bossi ..."
"We had not even thought about him."
"Funny davvero. Beh, sì, potremmo fare come dici tu, dopotutto è più semplice”.
“Temo che sia tardi, Presidente”.
“Ah sì?”
“E Bossi...”
“Non una piega”.
“Beh, allora siamo a posto, no?”
“Se la pensa così”.
“Probabilmente ti avevo chiamato per complimentarmi per l'esito della missione”.
“Grazie, Presidente”.
“Oppure, senti, visto che sei qui, potrei mandarti a fare un giretto nell'Asia centrale... in Afganistan diciamo. Potresti andare a sentire cosa vogliono quei beduini per lasciare in pace i nostri ragazzi? Mi raccomando...”
“Calo le braghe?”
“Più che puoi. In bocca al lupo”.
“Crepi, Presidente”

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pattycakeonline Login

But who is instilled

Solo un arguto calembour per farvi sapere che c'era un mio pezzo sull' anche oggi:

Le scrivo innanzitutto per confortarLa, perché sono convinto che questa storia dei cattivi maestri che inculcano gli studenti innocenti non sia una semplice trovata da propaganda: no, Lei un po' in questa cosa ci crede. Probabilmente ci immagina uno per uno, nelle nostre aule, il lunedì mattina, mentre parliamo male di lei e del suo governo agli studenti... (continued there, but you can also comment below).

Monday, February 28, 2011

Online Getting Women Pregnant Games

A specter is haunting in North Africa

think that there are people who, before the riots that broke out between the Maghreb and the Middle East continues to pose the question of whether or not he had reason Bush. Do not care for Bush, sorry, and then it was Bush who, after all. Here we need new ideas. To understand reality in a fast-moving. New theories. Original thinkers. For example, this gentleman:

the revolution, has some very interesting points of view. specter that hovers in North Africa and unity. It, and who does not want to share it and comment facebook (what you have done wrong and facebook), may do so below.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Create Voice Mailbox In Nokia E71

If you think I plagiarized

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Best Motocross Bike For Sale In Philippines

Prof. Hugo

Update: Hugo has apologized on his blog and now acknowledges the sources of the post that ... borrowed. As far as I'm concerned we're good like that.

"Personally, I am satisfied when my post or at least an article posted on this blog runs on the network.
The only thing I ask is to put a link to the site.
Then there is a 'Another class of cunning that not only copying, but even posting the' article with date prior to it, passing it off as their own.
The most odious ".

The script

I know that someone will think that this is just a pathetic attempt to save for a corner. Proff Hugo is now on my trail. He Ghebreigziabiher flush, and soon will find me. A matter of days, hours, maybe minutes.

But my repentance is sincere. Yet in the bottom of my heart I always knew I was doing something wrong, horribly wrong. I copied for months its good post, getting just a little 'with my prosaccia disgusting. I looted plunder, thinking that she would not never noticed. So much stuff is on the Internet for free, I thought.

The piece in Ferrara, for example. It's time to admit, it's flour sack. You can read the blog of Prof. Hugo, on the day of Monday, February 14 . I've got to be there, including this quote from Bertolt Brecht, which I do not know who he is (a bank burglar, I think) and I have published pre-dating it, so that all might believe that I had written myself. Because I'm smart, I, in my cialtronaggine. And since I do not write as good as Hugo, alas, I changed a few words here and there (eg I removed the references to his tumultuous personal life, I am not having any real "life" actually spend time on the internet to copy parts of others). I took many a head, to conceal the elegant style of Hugo. I replaced "Berlusconi" to "Psycho-pedo-popes," the hilarious epithet coined by Hugo, who is his most recognizable trademark. And then, feeling a bit 'I did, because it is details like these that you realize that person is poor: I plagiarized also comments . Yeah, I took the comments at the bottom of his piece, I've copied them and I reglued at the bottom of mine, because I like a good one to envy even Hugo's comments, if we had two dogs envious fleas in the balls.

But I've done worse. Wikimedia Italy a few weeks ago I asked for a contribution , the blog that celebrates the tenth anniversary of Wikipedia. I accepted with enthusiasm, e. .. Since I did not even clear what it was, Wikipedia, I went to document in one of the few Italian blogs that are worth, of course Hugo's blog Proff (who also writes the Daily Done, no one knows where, maybe between the lines) . For where I found a piece with a very interesting point of view ... copy of that pat , again changing the style here and there, stretching the tasty broth with my insipid teaching experience, because no mi crederebbe, se di colpo mostrassi di saper scrivere bene come Hugo Proff.

Vent’anni dopo è successa una cosa straordinaria.
La possibilità di andare su internet quando vogliamo. Qualsiasi domanda ci venga in mente… tu digiti, e in pochi secondi internet ti risponde. E così mi sono reso conto di una cosa.
Oggi i computer assomigliano molto di meno a quegli scatoloni vuoti che ho cominciato a usare gli albori cibernetici, e molto di più a quei cervelloni che sognavo da bambino.
Twenty years later, something extraordinary happened. I have installed an interactive whiteboard in a classroom, and now we can go on the internet when we want. Any questions you can think of ... you type, internet and within seconds you respond. The boys get used right away, most of the rest has internet at home, and they do seek out, if only to find the specifications for a computer game. And so I realized something. Today

computers look like much less to those empty boxes that I started to use in junior high, and more to those pundits who dreamed child. Watch how they use the Kids: ask questions, and the computer responds .

And then what else is there ... ah, yes, think in September Profs wrote another piece on the time of the long and curious religion, I do not know why he did it right at that moment: I only know that in that time I was desperately looking for interesting things write, and so ... yes, I copied that time also. No mercy. But to add verisimilitude to the thing, the pre- date five months to May 2010, realize my intelligence diabolica, in modo che sembrasse scritto immediatamente dopo la sentenza del Consiglio di Stato di cui si parla nel pezzo!

Bene, la pacchia è finita. Stamattina Hugo Proff si è accorto che un altro ladruncolo come me lo scopiazzava, e ha minacciato di tirar fuori il suo nome e il suo cognome, nientemeno! La gogna mediatica! La stessa che meriterei io. Spero soltanto che questo mio tardivo autodafé possa in qualche modo rabbonirlo.

Hugo, davvero, mi dispiace. Fino a un certo punto non mi ero nemmeno reso conto. Trovavo i tuoi contenuti in giro per la rete, tutto quel ben di Dio disponibile gratis, e pensavo che non ci fosse niente di male a rubare qualcosa che è gratis.

Ora ho capito that what I did is terribly serious and stupid. Stupid, because sooner or later you would have noticed. Serious, because looting your beautiful content, getting ugly with my style, and putting them in a circle with my name, I have removed the only property that you held: the ownership of your ideas ... but no, not that in reality, the ideas belong to everyone. Your style. That's all you are. And I got, I scrambled and I have started wearing it, shamefully. I could never get something worse?

Now what will you do? My complaint (after all, I have not respected the licenses)? Publish my name and my last name and IP address on a page well indexed by google, with the appropriate account and screenshots of all my misdeeds? Well, maybe I deserve it. We all know, google, what kind of person I am. And yet I beg for mercy. They are not bad. I'm just one who began to play without understanding the rules. At the bottom are still new environment.

I mean, if I remove all the pieces that I have plagiarized and apologizing publicly to all the people that I've plagiarized, you'd give me a second chance?
[Thanks to Mazzetta , as always].

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sharp Pulsating Pains In My Foot

Maybe we should intervene in Libya

Move it, Great Proletarian

- It may be that my country is not exactly the world whole, it may be that in a world of limited resources, my survival does not involve the survival of someone else then that is my enemy. Maybe I was not able to absorb as all the pain and injustice throughout the world, because they are not omnipotent, in fact. Maybe.

But I'm not even completely impotent: for example, could be Italy: Libya then it would be a clearing not far from my house, where at the time of his grandfather had also planted some flag. I do that for ten years I sign on the calendar to remind me to cry for the Sept. 11, what I write on my address book the twenty-one, on the twenty-two, twenty-three on February? "Nothing," as Louis XVI on 7/14/1789?

So please put aside the controversy over who has the most mawkish kissed and embraced Gaddafi. They did it all, from Andreotti to Berlusconi, if the latter in particular gave us the feeling of having dropped his pants, this is not the moment to reproach him with a lack of style that is chronic. This is the time of the disaster, the moment you set aside our quarrels family out there because they are our neighbors, who cry, and burn alive.

If I were in Italy, I'd be a nation in crisis, which is a blood stagliuzzando essential services (health, education, public safety, justice), but still does not cut a strategic sector. Defense. We spend every year 2% of GDP , something like 24 thousand million euro : they are a lot of money. Here, in fact. Where am I taking them? Now there's a mad arsonist, a murderess stragista friend who is bombing a people closer to home: I should not intervene? I'm not speaking for a lot less in the past? Where are my ship, my jet, my men? In Central Asia, to teach democracy to the stones. But we are sure that it is still a priority?

And the European Union where it is? Because if I Italy I would have the nagging feeling of being treated a bit 'I treat you like Libya, the poor relation and that stupid contract a refugee camp in beautiful seashore. It is not should call the wilderness, you see that here or the Mediterranean or sinking all? Who is responsible, if not us? In ten years we could have a North African civil, democratic, exchanging its huge energy resources in exchange for food (and Europe should have in surplus) to build infrastructure that absorbs labor from Europe and Black Africa. Or we have the north coast of the Sahel, the port of despair, a huge Somalia plagued by religious and tribal strife or contracted band of pirates. Democrats of the Left, cynics right, or vice versa; leaguers, nationalists, Catholics, I ask everyone: what it should have, in the clearing not far from our house? It may be that the fate Antarctica and Haiti are not dependent on us, but we really let a madman killing our neighbors? Excuse me, I would setup a pacifist, but I can not help asking myself the question: If I do not need armed forces to intervene in situations like this, why do I need to ? So, in short, for what I pay?

If you are one of those who had good reasons for the war in Afghanistan or Iraq, then please, multiply those good reasons for a hundred, a thousand. Gaddafi has weapons of mass destruction: the Gaddafi is using now.

If the Libyans are then free themselves, the better for them, but that we will face with their new leaders? And if the murderess Instead he wins, should triumph over a wilderness of graves, we will shake hands at the next summit? Seriously is still realpolitik, but what's realistic in the idea that a fire in the clearing behind the house goes off if nothing had happened?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Where Does A Sinus Rinse Go

Time and the Maiden

Professor, you know

"Oh, Emma ..."
"Yes, Professor.".
"I wanted to tell you that I never had your version.
"Come on glielavevodata prof.
"No, Emma. You gave me your version of the version of Martinelli, with the exact same mistakes that he did. "
"Ugh prof ..."
"And the hearts instead of dots on i, as an attempt to customize the crap version of Martinelli's, you know, it is not enough."
"Prof, must understand that it is a bad time for me."
"No, no, last year was a bad time. Then around March we decided that was over the bad time, remember? "
" Vaguely. "
"The principal had called your parents, your poor mother was crying, she said she did not know what to do with you, then you were making you cry, the headmaster had made console, then he he started crying ... "
" It was una cosa molto emozionante, prof”.
“Fu la più grossa pagliacciata a cui ho assistito in vita mia, Emma, detta da uno che da bambino al circo ci andava volentieri. E allora adesso ti chiedo: quest'anno prevedi le repliche?”
“Prof, insomma, cosa pretende da me? Il latino? Una cosa che tra cinque mesi comunque non c'entrerà più con la mia vita? Devo davvero perdere il mio tempo con quella roba? Si metta un po' nei tuoi panni”.
“Nei tuoi panni, Emma, ed è un argomento che avrei preferito non toccare, nei tuoi panni tu stessa fatichi un po' a starci, ultimamente”.
“Tanto più che la mini non va neanche più fashion.
"What does it matter, I do not follow fashion."
"I'm classic."
"Emma, \u200b\u200bbut believe me when I say that I'm worried about you? Seriously concerned "
" It should not, Professor. "
"But I worry."
"But when I say that it should not."
"That the discourse of the Latin I could also understand, if I were to do a serious girl, responsible, one that came here and said to me, professor, I knew what my way, and the Latin right there ' is, so I decided to focus on other things and so, here, a speech so I'd understand. "
"Well, Professor, then do that girl I am there."
"Are you telling me you've decided what to do next year?"
"I'm thinking."
"It's six months that we're thinking."
"It's just that I have to think well."
"But there will be something in life that you enjoy doing."
"Eccerto there."
"And ..."
"But if I tell you then she gets angry."
"I'm Emma I'm not angry. I'm worried that in some ways is worse. "
"Phew, and that's fine. I would like to sing. "
"Because I'm good, you remember a trip? And I say it all. Even my father thinks. "
"Okay, sing along, but in what sense, sorry, sing."
"In the sense that I'd like to do in life."
"By profession, you mean?"
"But yes, too."
"And have you thought about taking lessons? Because it's too late for the conservatory, I would say. "
"The conservatory? Did I do something wrong? No, for now I have these friends of mine, with a complex, but it's not just the music for me, I just find someone who understands me alone ... I put "
" Because the music that appeals to you, it would ... "
"Italian music."
"A classic."
"I told you that classic, I will."
"It all seems still very vague. Let me be frank, Emma, I really seem the classic dreams of a little girl. "
"But sometimes dreams come true."
"Yes, but I can not come true by dint of dreaming, it takes the application, study ... and also luck, of course. In short, if you think about it, to sing after high school ... is to begin a road without knowing where you will ... as you can still support your family, you've thought it? "
" Well, maybe for my beginning is a sacrifice, but then if things go well ... "
" And if you do not go well? "
" And Oh well, 'Professor, if one thinks so, does not run ever. "
"What a curious word that you used, launch."
"You just do not believe in me, eh? Do you think that fall, evil. "
"I'm concerned, Emma, \u200b\u200bthat's all. I've always seemed like a cute girl, original, and yet ... Four months after the maturity I go out with the most banal of all: you want to sing, you have a dream, then maybe what's in this dream, tell me: do you think engrave your disks? you will be successful? Sanremo win? "
" Sanremo is old ".
"Are you sure that this famous dream, Emma, \u200b\u200bis something of a refuge, a place to hide when you see that the nodes are close to comb ... do not ask you to stop dreaming, but at least dream a little 'shorter term, try to dream about what will happen in six months, a year or two: Where do you see? "
" Well I thought I might take a short degree in psychology, what it's called ... "
" Psychology? "
" That to teach children ... "
" Education ".
"Because I love children."
"Want to work with children? Kindergarten teacher? "
" Come on, comunque se non riesco a cantare da professionista, al massimo farò quello”.
“Suona un po' come un ripiego, no?”
“In che senso?”
“Insomma, in concreto cosa farai? Di giorno studierai per diventare maestra e di sera canterai? Pensi che potrà funzionare?”
“E perché no”.
“Perché sono due vite in una sola, Emma, e per ora non mi sembri capace di mandarne avanti nemmeno una. Ma prima o poi dovrai scegliere, capisci?”
“E in quel momento sceglierò”.
“Forse mi sono spiegato male. Non sarà “un momento”. Saranno infiniti momenti, in cui tu dovrai scegliere se insistere in a dream that is becoming increasingly difficult, more risky, or take the easy way out, maybe become a kindergarten teacher, but also to discover the easiest way is hard, that working with children is exhausting, you return home with hoarse voice and back to pieces, and then discover that the job gets in the way to your dream ... "
" And then I will fire. "
"But perhaps he could not anymore, because in the meantime maybe you knew a guy and you have set up house, and you need money, or simply a job that proves to the world that you are not a useless person, un'acchiappanuvole that continues to chase dreams out of time ... "
" Un'acchiappache? "
" What I'm trying to say is that ... if you really you would believe in your 'dream' if you really thought that singing was your life, do not leave any behind the bridge. Instead you have already prepared a plan B, you will work with the children in his spare time and make it as singer. But it never goes out this way. No one has ever become a star in after work. It's something that does not happen, simply. "
"So what should I do?"
"Watching really at the bottom of your motivations. We think seriously about your future as a singer? or is it just a trick with which cheating yourself as time goes by? If we really believe are the first to tell you: down the drain, fuck Latin, of maturity, what they think parents and teachers, come back with a gold record or not to return. But we think so? "
" I do not know. "
"And maybe this is already answered."
"It's getting late, professor, I must go."
"Me too. Goodbye, Emma. "
"Goodbye, Professor Flack."

Monday, February 21, 2011

Pharmaceutical Calculations Ansel;

Barbie and Cleopatra

Well, it happened: while Africa is bleeding, I wrote a piece on Belen Rodriguez and Elisabetta Canalis. But read it, is absolutely beautiful, as he would say . Barbie Ballerina against Cleopatra in Sanremo 's online unit. It, and says ... Facebook, like all the pieces on the drive. it henceforth. So an account on FB now you have it everyone, no? In short, it is probably the most slender. For this time, however, I would also open the comments below, we see how it goes.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Pokemon Heartgold Anti Freeze Action Replay

Whip a bit 'far right

Ricolfi Professor, good morning. are the Italian Left. They are usually an abstract concept, but sometimes I seized the body of a blogger at random. I wanted to thank her for her criticism of Tuesday last, I really needed it. I really like the criticism, as you know, and this week I risked going blank.

In fact it was a strange week. Sunday there was the manifestation of women, an unexpected success, made it conceivable that the odd-axis Vendola Bindi: finally a ticket for the primaries interesting coalition, which sooner or later it will (in the meantime, has emerged into the open even Renzi , a relatively new face, but with questionable ideas stimulants). Monday came out of the polls which gave me successful even without a view on the rump, serious stuff, eh? Mannheimer, I say, it's been a lot that did not happen. I know very well that it is not on my own: Berlusconi continues to fry in the bunga-bunga, his supporters lost time in byzantine legal and no longer able to communicate anything of real interest to their constituents. Fini is knackered, not holding the pressing parliamentary leaguers also have their problems with federalism promised that there is, the rejection promised that there are short enough for me just to look good. If then it is also the week of Sanremo, and invite Benigni ... Well, to quote my fat is all runny. What more? Ferrara, who is the idiot? Maybe some leak in which Berlusconi is ridiculed by a U.S. ambassador? So, dear Ricolfi, it was a week too good for me. In Spring anticipo. Per fortuna che c'era il suo editoriale a riportarmi a terra, a ricordarmi le mie precise responsabilità nel disastro del Paese.

Perché sì, a volte rischio di dimenticarmelo, che è tutta colpa mia. Berlusconi, per esempio: al potere ce l'ho mandato io. Con la mia supponenza. Con la pretesa, sempre quell'odiosa pretesa, di rappresentare il meglio del Paese, quella che mi ha inimicato non il peggio, ma il grosso degli italiani. È vero, professore, è proprio vero, è tutta colpa mia, e anche se i sondaggi per una volta me la danno buona, questa non è una scusa per interrompere la mia abituale autoflagellazione. Così, a ripensarci, le iniziative di Renzi e Vendola non sono che la dimostrazione che la sinistra è litigiosa e non riesce a trovare un vero leader (la Bindi infatti si è smarcata subito). E i diplomatici che stroncano Berlusconi hanno qualche severa parola anche per gli ulivisti incapaci che lo hanno lasciato vincere. Insomma, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa...

Mi stavo dunque cospargendo di cenere come di consueto, quando gli occhi mi sono scivolati su una notizia interessante: ha presente, professore, gli allevatori (quasi tutti leghisti) che da anni mentono sulle quote latte e dovrebbero pagare un'euromulta? Ecco, il governo gli ha concesso un'altra proroga di sei mesi. I soldi intanto li mette il governo che, a quanto pare, li attingerà da un fondo stanziato anche per " l'assistenza e la cura dei cancer patients. "It's a little 'impression, right? The money for cancer care of the milk quotas. Now, certainly in this case, you can find a way to blame it on me, but as well perhaps with the my traditional snobbery was not able to convince rogue breeders to choose me: I have not offered them any way out, maybe my claim moral superiority to fuck me from the public purse some money for them, removing them widows or orphans. Mea culpa , mea maxima culpa ... But, prof. Ricolfi, you will admit that in this case at least a bit 'of guilt we have also leaguers? I think that yes.

So tell me this thing because I do not read mai, sulla Stampa, o sul Corriere, sul Sole un editoriale come il suo, ma rivolto ai leghisti, o ai berlusconiani? Un pezzo che ricordi le loro responsabilità morali, prima che giudiziarie, il loro essersi adagiati sulle peggiori abitudini del Paese, il populismo, il qualunquismo, il clientelismo...

Caro Ricolfi, ho una teoria. Lei un pezzo così non lo scrive perché sa che non servirebbe a niente. Criticare la Destra è perfettamente inutile: ci sguazza, la Destra, nelle critiche degli opinionisti. Chiunque sollevi una benché minima obiezione si ritroverà iscritto nel registro dei radicalchic, a che pro? Così alla fine se continuate a criticare soltanto me, non è per parzialità, ma perché are the only one who listens to you, the only one that gives you straight. Because in the end, dear Ricolfi, the first to believe in the superiority of the left you're right that the left continue to address your concerns, and to the right what ever you want, the right is useless to talk now speaks to only those who book pay.

But who knows if it's really true. I wonder if on the right are so deaf to criticism. I wonder if they are not even a little 'over time now, by dint of never receive those from which they could also listen to them. Think of Berlusconi, as has been reduced. It is also the responsibility of those who could scold him at the right time and did not do it? Because in the end was più comodo, più gratificante, più vantaggioso prendersela con me? Forse sì. Ma a questo punto so cosa obietterà: non è stata colpa vostra, sono stato io a dare troppa corda a voi critici, a ringraziarvi troppo, a intrappolarmi in un autoerotico autodafé. E quindi cosa dovrei fare? Fottermi delle vostre critiche e mandarvi, magari, virilmente a fare in c... ma non è il mio stile, dai, non sarei credibile. Sono la sinistra. Sono lamentosa e compassionevole - no, diciamo la verità. Sono masochista, sono cresciuta mentre crollava il Muro di Berlino, e quel trauma me lo porto dentro, così ho bisogno delle vostre frustate settimanali.

Caro Ricolfi, conosce quella barzelletta del sadico e del masochista? Sono amanti. Il secondo dice al primo: "Fammi male". Il primo gli risponde: "No!" Il secondo gode. Forse, caro Ricolfi, sono pronta per quell'ultimo, supremo piacere. Chiuderò gli occhi e voi sparirete: li riaprirò e sarò sola, senza più flagelli e frustini, senza peccati originali da scontare, con qualche responsabilità per tutto il casino che è successo, tanto lavoro da fare, tanto Paese da provare a rimettere in piedi. Non sarà facile. Ma prima o poi deve succedere. Questo nostro giochino morboso non è più divertente da un pezzo.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Prescription Given For Chest Infection

Mors vestra

Col volto umano

“Signore, quelli bussano”.
"And what do they want?"
"The usual things, but this time ..."
"This time?"
"There is a different air about, well, I do not want a disaster to happen ..."
" It has already happened. "
"Yes, but from the humanitarian point of view, well ..."
"says How, sir?"
"I am responding to the question that you do not have the courage to me."
"You should ask: Lord, we help them? We open the gates? Allocate that you need to allocate? But you do not have the courage, for you know very well the answer, and you know it is a response to crime, and you're afraid that just makes you ask me the question in some way complicit. But I do not need to complicated and I'm not ashamed to answer you: I take full responsibility and I say no. Do not help them. Not this time. "
"With all due respect ... This is not the common sinking of boats. "
"No, probably not."
"We speak of a famine. Perhaps millions of deaths. In general, the history is not kind to those who die leave millions of people. "
"Let me think. China 1960, Great Leap Forward, famine, from twenty to forty million. They took the pictures of Mao on the walls? "
" Do not yet, no. "
"After all is not that I care too much the opinion of posterity, eh. Blame me, they will say terrible things about me, with their bowl. Have you ever read Malthus, thou? "
" No, I confess no. "
"It's out of fashion a bit 'too soon. In short, they are hungry and want to enter. It's not enough to send home a few corrupt leaders? Yet the revolutions are beautiful, no? "
" do not give the bread
"At best, the price increases will push to eliminate some bag of corruption. But not enough, hunger is more powerful. The hunger you buy a ticket for the boat. However, this time not. Boats to shoot well, I take responsibility. "

"..." "And do not look at me with those eyes, these are things that happen. One day they will make a film about people like me and you. You will make you humble and boring, aware of the crimes we commit, but unable to disobey orders. I offer instead a face like a crazy fanatic. Do I look like a crazy fanatic? "
" No, sir, absolutely. "
"Maybe you're wrong, history is made by the winners as they begin to feel guilty. I am the fool who prefers to save one boat instead of helping another with the risk that both sink. Give me the racist. You think I'm racist? That maybe if they were blond and pale li aiuterei?”
“Se posso permettermi...”
“Certo che puoi”.
“Se le politiche si giudicano dai risultati, quello che stiamo per fare sarà interpretato da molti come razzismo”.
“Senz'altro, ed è il motivo per cui negli ultimi quarant'anni ne abbiamo fatti entrare un po' di tutti i colori, e adesso abbiamo elettori che si chiamano Mohammed e Chen, e saranno loro, capisci, saranno loro a votare per noi quando gli diremo che non possiamo aprire i cancelli a tutti i meridionali del mondo. Perché loro lo hanno sempre saputo: Malthus ce l'hanno nel sangue, loro. Sono quelli che si sono messi in moto per primi. Selezione naturale. E nessuno potrà darci del razzista, if we apply a simple principle of survival. All living species flocks and communities trying to survive by defending their territory, and we can not pretend to be a pack, we can slice a so-called 'culture', but when grain prices go up grinning, like any other sedentary mammal. There is room for everyone here. There is simply no. There was a bit ', and those who arrived when the first is taken. And now there is more. "
"Sir, may I be frank?"
"This is simply fascism. Fascism with a human face, but ... "
" I'd rather face the inhuman? Because at this point, the question is posed in these terms. Do not believe us, you barred the doors with kindness? Wait a few years and then for us there will be a real fool, a visionary who has read Mein Kampf or other crap, one of those who under the guise of revisionism sometimes goes to Bergen Belsen to monitor space requirements because, after all, the twentieth century has shown us that a few quick way to make room, with a little 'commitment and imagination ... "
" So, in short, the delegation say that? "
" I've already asked him. I've already answered. No. Not this time will be made. Tell him. Know Latin? "
" should. "
"Then tell him this: Mors vestra, our life . Nothing personal. "
"And if they start crying?"
"Crying? a diplomatic delegation? "
" Lord, you know ... in the end they are Italians. "
"And you let them cry, they are entitled."

According to Roberto Maroni is "unthinkable" that, in the face of what he calls "humanitarian emergency" of Lampedusa, "European institutions are just watching."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sample Soup Kithen Letter


The ambush
- After this blog was, I do not mean to brag (actually a bit 'I'm ashamed) manifestaiolo most of all, then something happened, so even quite sharp: I do not know if you noticed, but not in protests I ride it. Sometimes we invite people, but then I do not go the same. Sometimes I'm a fan. Sometimes I pretend to nothing.

At this point, however, I would like to place on record that if I go down more in the streets is not for disappointment, it is not differences over the programmatic platform, not because I notice it more. No, I would like to make it clear that things are much simpler: I put the belly, I put family, I have a stack of stuff to fix so high, short trivially older.

These unsolicited apology probably not relevant to anyone, not even when I'd written, if I had not read these days on several blogs related to this a certain intolerance for rallies in the streets. For example Bordone making distinctions with feminists (but then it goes to the streets and having fun ), Costa makes irony, Adinolfi that makes two calculations and writes: go in the square is a bullshit . Here, for me, no. Go to the streets is almost never bullshit. I'm glad that someone has more energy than me and we go. I think all things considered necessary. In particular, I am glad that the women's event has come so well. I have kept at bay, lately I find it difficult to understand and make myself understood by different women, but I think they have reasons to sell, sorry, give away (well the reasons are yours, you gestitevele), being a woman in Italy is difficult, objectively.

It must be said that we have a fantastic sense of timing, we bloggers Italian public opinion: in the Middle East while the squares are the tyrants tremble, we ask ourselves whether the square is appropriate, if the square has contra, if the square is not a moralist, Presbyterian, and so on. For me the only real drawback is that the Italian squares are not filled enough, probably many times we can not conclude anything, not because we went too square, but because we were too little. And yet even this is questionable. Me in ten years all these unnecessary events, for worthy causes without hope, I do not remember. I have demonstrated to demand light on the events in Genoa, and a little 'light there was. I protested against the abolition of Article 18, and the article is left (ok, it was a bit 'more complex). I marched against the war in Iraq, Romano Prodi won the elections and the Italian contingent left Iraq. We could get something more? Sure, but every time we were really so many, we have drilled on TV and in newspapers, something we brought him home. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but after the women's event surveys gave Berlusconi in vertical drop (the health of all those who thought that the case bunga-bunga would not have damaged the Italians and those who know they have a vision the country). Of course, it is not something automatic. It is obvious that if a couple of days a retired university reform or Gelmini Berlusconi resigns. But we have weakened, Berlusconi ... sorry, you have bruised, I was home and I wrote on the blog.

Here, I also have this thing to say in my defense. I have a blog. A series of fortunate circumstances made him the most widely read than others. In the square are just a fool among many (A tenth of a fool for the police), but here I can explain myself, I can leave messages, in short, to a certain point I told that my contribution to the cause I could give it away. Especially since they are no longer the handsome young mop that picture in the middle of the banner was so good. So how do you explain this subtle remorse.

probably not aware that their grandchildren will buy. Grandpa, in short, while Berlusconi sent everything in cow you what you did? Were spent in hiding, at least? No, not really, I went early in the square, but then things got long, I put the belly, put my family ... But I continued to speak on a site that worked with the http protocol ... yes, vabbe 'grandfather, hello.

PS: if Berlusconi really do not want to resign, I will gladly do it for a general strike. One day, a week, all you need. I have already stolen so many years.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ideas For A Barbie Themed Sweet 16

And not decide! The elephant

We at this point is not that very claim.
It's not that we want tiriate us out of crisis - ok, it's a crisis bigger than yours and ours, it is understood.
not pretend that you know who goes to bed with B. tonight - on the edge, away, if you could select the girls to enter, seize videophones, there would be a reasonable thing on your part. But you can not pretend, eh.
short, is not that pretendiamo moltissimo. Giusto i fondamentali, per esempio: tra un mese c'è una festa nazionale o no? Ce la fate a dircelo in settimana? Perché avremmo anche noi degli impegni, capite.
E sì, vabbe', capisco che è difficile, avevate soltanto... 150 anni di tempo per decidervi.

Il 17 marzo si fa festa o no? Chiediamocelo insieme sull'Unità, commentando qui.