Saturday, November 15, 2008

Converting Bench Seat To Bucket Seats Chevy

currently costs € 11.44

Sky has changed the penalties for early termination of the expiry of contract. The contact persons in the pay-TV reported that they had updated the customer's card, which is also on the Internet, as set out in July 2008 by the telecoms regulator, which is that the customer breaks the contract prima della scadenza si può richiedere solo il costo sostenuto e strettamente connesso alla cessazione del contratto.
Vale a dire euro 11.44 (IVA inclusa).
I Costi dell'Operatore non sono da SKY richiesti nel caso in cui l'abbonato abbia acquistato il decoder.
Se però avete usufruito di uno sconto e/o promozione e recedete prima del decorso della durata minima stabilita da ciascuna offerta promozionale, sarete tenuti a versare a SKY una somma pari all’importo dello sconto o al valore della promozione di cui avete beneficiato.

Cosa accadeva prima?
I costi dell'operatore precedenti ammontavano a 10,48€.

Immediately after the introduction of the Bersani Decree instead the issuer had amended its contract, introducing the right of withdrawal for the consumer, but in a manner that effectively cancels it. In fact, if the withdrawal took place during the first year of subscription, Sky arrogated to himself the right to ask for the amounts due under consideration for service received until the date of termination and reimbursement of "costs of 'operator', after the first year Sky requested the payment of the consideration for the termination of the contract. By two accounts, withdraw from Sky, the consumer cost of a maximum of 225 € for a minimum of 30 €.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

License With Temporary Visitor Expiration

Unsubscribe magazine Skylife

Sky continues to deliver at home magazine advertising Skylife but, since 2008, is not more free and now costs 1.10 € per month . Sky
then uses the silent consent if not cancels you agree to receive the magazine for a fee.

There are three ways to unsubscribe:
  1. call (last) green 800 835 005.
  2. Send e-mail from the site of Sky. It 'should specify that looks forward to their feedback in order to get a confirmation reply.
  3. register on the site , go to customer area / do- te e disdire.

Nota: il costo è passato da 0,90€ a 1,10€.