Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Side Effects Of Matcha

Blogroll nuovo per Google Blogger

Nella politica di inserire dei Blogroll o link a siti, all'interno dei Blog, nasce la novità firmata Google Blogger.

Is simply called "Blog List" and to simply insert the link to a Blog, to see the last post published.

great way for people who have multiple blogs, or perhaps for those following the blog, always on the front page the last post. To create this new

Blogroll, you are always the same, or enter the "Layout" and click on "Add a Gadget".

Open the window on the choice of gadgets or items, click "Blog List" and once you have chosen and inserted the name or the link to the Blog is all in our sidebar.

We have now the name of our "Blog List", choosing between the usual Blogroll, or maybe "My Blog", in other words you choose.

When all Blogs choices and options, that's it.

Surely it must be said, that if we put 10 Blog sizes begin to be excessive, but if there are not many blog is worth to add this new element or "gadgets".

In the next article,


What Mice Like To Eat In Northern California

Fare il Back-up del Blog per Google Blogger

make a back-up of our blog is very important because you can lose all our work hours, compresi i commenti dei nostri lettori più assidui, come dei visitatori giornalieri.

Se il vostro problema però è quello di fare il Back-up del modello/template, a causa di cambiamenti del codice HTML, allora il passaggio è diverso visto che la procedura da fare sarà quella di andare in "Layout" ed entrare in "Modfica HTML".

Una volta dentro dobbiamo cliccare su "Scarica modello completo", e in caso di problemi possiamo ripristinarlo cliccando su "Scegli file", preceduto dalla scritta "Carica un modello da un file sul tuo HD".


Se il vostro problema è invece quello di fare un Back-up totale del Blog, allora la procedura è different.

We go from the "Layout" and enter in "Settings"> "General" and at this point in the first line of "Tools of the Blog" we have three options that are "Import Blog" "Export Blog" Delete Blog ".

The option that we are concerned in this case is to save our Blog. Then click "Export blog".


Once clicked, there is a next screen confirms the "Download Blog" and the file will be downloaded in XML format and the date of the back-up so as not to be confused with or subsequent proceeding back -up.

If we need to restore our blog, then always on the "Settings"> "General"> "Tools of the blog" click on "Import Blog" and choose the file extension always XML. The

dowload or upload speed will of course depend on the size of your Blog.

My advice, if you're a great writer of the post, is to make at least a back-up month by deleting the previous backup.

In the next article,


Doujinshi Yaoi Ita Dragon Ball

Personalizzare Blogger attraverso il Layout

start the customization of our blog from the first base or make simple changes with features of the layout.

The layout consists by:

- Parts Page

- Fonts and Colors

- Edit Html

- Choose model

- Monetize (New)

Parts Page - Through this feature we can add "gadgets", so now Google calls them, who does nothing but add in the bars side or top and bottom of the post, items such as:
  • Images
  • Slide
  • Video Link
  • Blogroll
  • Html
  • Adsense
  • Etc.
just, or almost, we can add our element and move it to where we want, clicking and moving with the mouse.

Fonts and Colors - With this function, however, we can change the background color, page background, text color, the color of the link, you can short enough to adapt our basic template.

Edit HTML - This function is dedicated only to experts but also if some simple modifications will be described in the next post, such as removing the top bar of Blogger and other simple functions, but will be described in other posts.

Choose model - Although there are many models available, but with the changes that you can implement, we can certainly make a customization to our Blog. The choice is always used on 16 models. It's about time that Google should add some new models having huge difference in choice is with WordPress, but we think of something else.

Monetize - New Blogger feature that lets you insert Adsense ads inside posts, but personally I prefer the manual insertion.

As you can see the basics of creating a blog are personal and in the next post there will always be new options to optimize your Blog.

In the next article,
